Dear Parents,
This week in math we began our three digit addition unit. We started out for two days with no regrouping. Then we went very slowly to add regrouping and earn those sparkly stars. I was impressed how many children seemed to grasp it right away and earned 10 stars for 10 correct problems. Those that had a bit of trouble were pulled one on one to practice. I still need to pull those who have been absent, but we will go slowly again today to earn more stars! Your help at home is appreciated as well as I send homework home. On the 100th day of school we had many choices of math 100 day activities. Role to 100, write your name in a 100th grid to find a pattern, flip a coin 100 times, do 100 subtraction problems and built a 100 piece snack. A big thank you to all who provided an item for this snack. I mixed the rest of the ingredients and have enough for a Friday snack as well!
In writing we focused on poetry, then had two days to write our MOY writing assessment to a prompt, next we wrote about if we were 100 years old and lastly went back to poetry once we finished our other pieces of writing! We had a full week of writing which they have grown to love!
In reading and social studies we learned about Lunar New Year, and the directions on a compass rose including the intermediate directions. We created a compass rose and answered questions for a grade. We created a 100 day art project with the cut out digits for 100 and named them. On Lunar New Year Day we ate Ramen Noodles and used Chopsticks! We also had fortune cookies and an activity book. The chopsticks, activity book and fortune cookies were donated by the Panda Express at Old Denton and George Bush. If you frequent them, please be sure to mention how much your child enjoyed this activity!
In science we continued on with our unit on manmade and natural resources. We went on a natural resource walk and saw so many outside. We did a talk, read, talk write activity and had many lively discussions.