About Me

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Carrollton, Texas, United States
Welcome to my blog! My name is Beth Carpenter! I am a 2nd grade teacher at Coyote Ridge Elementary. I majored in Early Childhood Education and have taught for 25 years. I have taught grades K- 3 which gives me a unique ability to know where my second graders fit within those grades. Teaching is more than a profession to me, it is a calling. I love to help light the fire of curiosity to help all my students become lifelong learners!


Morning Meeting 7:45-8:00 8:00-9:30 Math Brain Break 9:30-9:40 Guided Reading 9:40-10:35 Fine Arts 10:35-11:25 Lunch 11:30-12:00 Writer's Workshop 12:00- 1:00 Recess 1:00-1:30 Reading/Social Studies 1:30-2:00 Science 2:00-2:50 Pack/Stack/Dismiss 2:50-3:00

Friday, December 13, 2024

Week 17

 Dear Parents,

        This week in math we began a new unit on place value and comparing and ordering numbers to 1,200. We looked at number lines counting by 1’s and added the missing numbers. We then placed numbers on an open number line by first finding the midpoint. Then we compared two numbers as greater than, less than or equal to. On Friday we finished up by ordering numbers from greatest to least or least to greatest.

          In the reading/writing  combined unit this week we learned about facts and opinions as we read What’s Cool to Read. This was a nonfiction writing that had both facts and opinions about a book that a student thought everyone should read. They  were then tasked to write their own book review. We also read a nonfiction piece about . we began a new unit called effects of wind and water.  We then took a comprehension check in which the students used the text to be word detectives to answer the questions.

           In science we started a new unit called effects of wind and water. We set up our unit and went on a scavenger hunt to see if we could notice effects in our school yard.

          On Friday we had a fun filled day! Our Spirit squad members went from room to room singing and cheering! We had Polar Express Day. We drank hot chocolate and ate popcorn as we watched it in our PJs, withy our favorite stuffy and having our shoes off! Those were three of our Boosterthon incentives. Next week we will have tech time, an extra recess and free time! Thank you for participating in our Boosterthon fundraiser!


  • Next week is Swim Week, Mon.- Thursday. Look in your child’s Coyote Folder for two important Letters. Both are also attached. One is what to wear to school on Monday as well as what to bring in a large bag. The other is about coming to observe the swim class on Wednesday. You will first check in at CRE, then drive yourself to the pool. You will be let in at 10:15. The letter has the address of the pool.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Week 16

 Dear Parents,

           This week in math we continued learning about division. We had a total number of cupcakes and had to place them in boxes. We also solved problems where we had a total number, we knew how many cupcakes were in each box, but did not know how many boxes we had. We solved division as repeated subtraction as well. We had a review of odd and even numbers and then took our assessment on Friday. Our favorite activity was when we listened to The Doorbell Rang and used Cookie Crisp Cereal to divide the 12 cookies amongst the children who kept reading the doorbell.

            In reading and writing we read Wilma Rudolph Against All Odds. We learned about nonfiction text features. We analyzed a prompt and will be writing about how Wilma was a leader and  we will give an example that supports that premise. We also took a comprehension check on Wednesday.

            In science we finished up graphing our weather for 8 days, learned more about severe weather and took our unit assessment on Friday. We also are working on winter projects. Our room is beginning to look festive! We have a special gift and card we will be giving you right before winter break! The children are so proud of the work they are doing. 

             We also have a surprise visitor in our room. It is an elf who is looking for kindness. When he sees it, he leaves a note and then moves around the room for a little mischief. If anyone would like to write a note from our elf telling his name and where he has come from. Also what kinds of kind things he’s looking for in the room such as children helping with cleaning up their area, or making sure someone knows directions, or holding a door or whatever else you would like to write. First one who contacts me can be our elf!


*We did an amazing job of collecting money through Boosterthon. Our class has raised over $1,400 for our school. I appreciate your support! A huge thank you to Thuytien Vu for volunteering to decorate our door for the holidays! It looks amazing! A big thank you also goes out to Jennifer Speer for being our next parent to sharpen all our classroom pencils for the next 6 weeks! I appreciate all you do to partner with me to ensure your children love learning and growing at Coyote Ridge.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Week 14

 Dear Parents, 

        This week in math we finished up measuring to the nearest inch, foot, yard, centimeter and meter! We took our assessment on Friday. We have had lots of fun practice as we measured things around the room, measured different paths that had many parts and figured out the difference between two paths!

         In writing we worked on a special gift for you that they will be bringing home before our Fall break. We also are working on editing, revising and writing final copies of our imaginative stories. This process takes longer as the children try to take over most of their own editing and revising!

          In reading we read a Scholastic News article about Veterans, took a district reading check point independently, read Rabbit’s Snow Dance  , two dramas, and Hollywood Chicken  as we reinforced the skills author’s purpose, story structure, create mental images, and figurative language! We had lots of valuable discussions about these stories and skills as we filled out graphic organizers.

           In science we began our unit on weather. We are learning to measure temperature on a thermometer, and read a rain gauge. We are tracking our weather on a chart for 8 days!

Friday, November 8, 2024

Week 13

 Dear Parents,

        This week in math we have been busy measuring with nonstandard units ( paperclips, blocks) and standard units ( inches, feet, yards, centimeters and meters. We have been estimating the sizes of objects with these standard units, then checking to see how close they were.

         In writing we worked on Veteran acrostic poems. We will give these to the Veterans on Monday as we made copies. We also are continuing to edit and revise our imaginative stories. Some have even started their final copies!

         In social studies we have learned about our government at the city, state and country levels. We have created a flip book about who our leaders are, what they do and where they work. 

          In science we have been having fun learning about magnets- how they can push and pull with their magnetic fields. We dug for buried treasure to find objects that are magnetic. We realized that some metal objects stick to a magnet, but they have to have iron in them. Aluminum and coper do not stick to magnets. We also found that wooden, plastic and rubber items were also nonmagnetic! We finished doing a magnetic/nonmagnetic sort!

            Thank you for all the wonderful conversations during conferences about your kiddos! It was so nice to share his/her learning with you! If there is anything I can do to help you partner with me to help your child, please don’t hesitate to call or e-mail me!

Friday, November 1, 2024

Week 12

 Dear Parents,

            This week in math we finished up our unit on time and area. We took our assessment and also did some fun math activities with fruit snacks. We also started our unit on nonstandard units of measure.

             In writing we had several lessons such as show, don’t tell emotions and character traits, writing sentences of varying lengths, adding details, and describing gestures. The students were challenged to use at least two of these in their writing. We are revising and editing by ourselves, Ms. Carpenter and with a partner. Next week we will take them to final copy.

             In reading we took a reading checkpoint independently. This was not for a grade. We teaching skills to independently read/listen to a story, take notes about each paragraph, find our answers in the text and write where we found them. We are learning the difference between folktales and Fairy Tales. We listened to several of each. We used graphic organizers to learn more about  chosen stories. We learned about story structure and filled out a graphic organizer about Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs. 

              In science we continued to learn about force and motion as we blew up a balloon, played tug-o-war and blew bubbles. We know that a force can be a push or a pull.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Week 11

 Dear Parents,

        We had an exciting week this week as it was Red Ribbon Week. We saw a Magician who captivated us! Thank you PTA. We also had the Wonder Wagon visit our school! We had a wonderful time doing a STEM activity! Thank You Mrs. Speer, Mrs. Pugh and Mrs. Dulin for volunteering and helping our class!

        In Math this week our focus was telling time to the hour, half hour, quarter hour, 5-minute increments and to the minute. Please help reinforce this skill at home as our assessment is next week! It has been very hard for some, but I think we are getting the hang of it!

       In writing we mapped out our imaginative story after choosing a character, setting and event. We began writing our rough drafts. We will revise, edit and publish next week! I can’t wait to read these stories. Your children have quite the imaginations!

          In reading we read Serious Farm and came up with the central idea as we filled out a graphic organizer together. We also read Gingerbread for Liberty and took a very difficult comprehension check. They powered through and did their BEST!

           In science we began our unit on force and motion. We set up our unit, went over our vocabulary and we had an exploration with a marble and some play do. We also had a wonderful STEM Challenge with Super K and her Wonder Wagon. We had 50 Legos to use to build a strong, tall and sturdy structure! It has been a great week!


Dear Parents, ( I only have three parents who have not signed up. Remember, I can do a phone conference if needed.)

         It’s time to sign up for Fall Conferences. Click on the link below to get to my sign up Genius. When signing up, please let me know if you would prefer an in person conference or a phone conference in the comment section. If you could, please type your name and your child’s name in the comment box as well. I have a lot of beginning of  year testing information to share with you and prefer that we meet in person in my room, however, if you cannot meet in person I will do my best to update you over the phone. If none of the times provided meet your schedule, please let me know and we will work something out.


Link to Sign up Genius:




Friday, October 18, 2024

Week 10

 Dear Parents,

         This week in math we finished up our unit on two digit subtraction with and without regrouping. Most of the class is solid in this ski8ll, but a few students could use some extra practice at home. 1 or 2  problems a night could really help your child. On Friday we practiced both addition and subtraction with and without regrouping. It can be confusing for them to switch back and forth.

          In writing we are wrapping up our individual narrative writings and we will be beginning our imaginative stories next week. They love to write fiction! They will choose a setting, character, problem and solution!

         In reading we learned the skills of themes and reinforced what we knew about point of view. We also read a Scholastic News about Smokejumpers and answered questions for a grade. When these graded papers come home, it is helpful if you go over what your child missed with them and where to find the information. We read the story together and discuss all the important information. Right now I am guiding them very much as we do these. We examine the questions, decide what’s asking and if the answer can be found in the text. We find the paragraph together , then they read by themselves to find the answer. 

         In science we continued our unit on sound and met with a group to plan like an engineer to solve a problem. The groups selected their materials and began to build their devices. We also had a Pumpkin Science day where we learned about the growth and parts of a pumpkin. We estimated the weight, diameter, and height of the pumpkin. We opened it up and estimated the number of seeds. I took the seeds home, washed and dried them so we could have a taste of raw pumpkin seeds and roasted ones. There were 445 Seeds!

  • Congratulations to Fabian and  Nevaeh for being recognized at our Recognition Rally!


                 * Can’t wait to see you at the Fall Festival tonight!


*I will be sending out a  Fall Conference sign up Genie on Sunday. I can’t wait to talk to you about how we can partner together to best serve your child.