Dear Parents,
What a great first week of school! We did a lot of getting to know you activities and had fun learning together. We are working on writing stories from our heart using complete thoughts. We are learning new classroom routines like lining up, lunch/recess procedures and where supplies are found in our classroom. All my students seem eager to learn. I know that it is going to be a great year!
Thank you to all the parents who helped supply the needed ingredients for our snack today! The children really enjoyed it. We have plenty of snack items left over that I will share with students who do not bring their own snack next week. Please have your child bring a water bottle each day. There are studies that hydrated children actually think more clearly.
We will finish hearing our Me Bag presentations on Monday. I have four students who forgot their bags. Please send them on Monday. The school policy is that 11 points must be deducted for not turning work in on time. This is a Social Studies participation grade for this nine weeks.
Thank you to those of you who were able to attend our second grade orientation. If you were unable to attend, I sent the second grade information packet home in today’s Coyote Folder. Please fill out the two forms and return them to me as soon as you can. It is greatly appreciated. In this folder there will be papers from me on one side and papers from our school office on the other. Please look through all the fliers and return any forms that need to be filled out for the school. Your child’s graded papers are yours to keep.
This year’s main fundraiser is the Boosterthon Fun Run. It’ll be a 9-day program where we kick off with a Pep Rally on September 1, 2015 families will have time to get pledges for every lap your student runs, and then we’ll celebrate at the Fun Run on
September 11, 2015. With our big goal to raise funds for Coyote Ridge! We asked the Fun Run experts at Boosterthon to power our Fun Run and make it more profitable, easier, and fun. Students will also experience an amazing character theme,Big World Recess! It’s a global fitness theme all about playing with character. Donations will go toward Coyote Ridge and to the entire 9-day experience. So please help our school by reaching out to sponsors. Also, all families are invited to come out and cheer on your student at the Fun Run! Thank you for your support!
P.S. I have not posted pictures on our blog as of yet, since we do not have the updated list of children not allowed to have their pictures posted.