About Me

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Carrollton, Texas, United States
Welcome to my blog! My name is Beth Carpenter! I am a 2nd grade teacher at Coyote Ridge Elementary. I majored in Early Childhood Education and have taught for 25 years. I have taught grades K- 3 which gives me a unique ability to know where my second graders fit within those grades. Teaching is more than a profession to me, it is a calling. I love to help light the fire of curiosity to help all my students become lifelong learners!


Morning Meeting 7:45-8:00 8:00-9:30 Math Brain Break 9:30-9:40 Guided Reading 9:40-10:35 Fine Arts 10:35-11:25 Lunch 11:30-12:00 Writer's Workshop 12:00- 1:00 Recess 1:00-1:30 Reading/Social Studies 1:30-2:00 Science 2:00-2:50 Pack/Stack/Dismiss 2:50-3:00

Friday, April 30, 2021

Week 32

 Dear Parents,

          This week in math we delved into interpreting graphs. We looked at the information given and answered questions about the graphs and even composed questions of our own. We also made predictions upon seeing patterns on the graph as to what the next week would look like. Did the number go up? Down? By how much? There has been lots of critical thinking going on. In reading/social studies we have been focusing on consumers, producers, goods and services. How do the goods we buy at the store get made and get to the store. We have looked at and created flow charts to see the steps. In writing we began writing our own procedural text about something we know how to do. We brainstormed many ideas, then chose a topic. Each child then will break their steps into 4 boxes, draw illustrations, then text. In science we have started ou unit on the life cycles of insects. We had our caterpillars arrive last Friday. The children watched them as they quickly quadrupled in size and then went into a chrysalis. We are anxiously awaiting our butterflies to emerge. On Wednesday we had special visitors via webex. One of my former student’s parents are owners of seven different birds. They shared how they care for them as well as talked about the physical characteristics and behaviors of their birds. We learned lots of wonderful information! 




CRE Families, the yearbooks have arrived and were distributed today!  If you would like to purchase one, there is still time!  You can now purchase a yearbook with cash or check (payable to Coyote Ridge ES) in the office.  You can also use credit or debit by visiting this site https://bit.ly/CREyearbook.  Yearbooks are $25 and there are a few left!




Hello CRE families!  We are near the end of our school year and I would like to thank you all for helping this be a success!  Next week is the last week to check out books!  All books will be due on May 14th!  Now of course, the sooner we can them back the better!  Please encourage your children to locate and return books by on before that date.  Thank you again for all of your support!


Mrs. Hernandez

School Librarian

Friday, April 23, 2021

Week 31


Dear Parents,

         This week we took our test on solid and plane shapes. We then began our unit on graphing. We have covered a bar graph, a pictograph, and learned how to organize our data in many ways. In writing we finished editing and publishing our how to draw a crab procedural paper. This was a class project. Next week we will begin our individual projects. In reading/ social studies we learned about North America and used our map skills to complete a map and then answer questions. We learned the difference between wants and needs and sorted items in a T-chart. We read about consumers and producers and completed a circle-rama showing the difference between these two vocabulary words. In science we got to finish up our animal unit on behaviors and characteristics of animals by looking at actual animal furs and skulls. We learned how these characteristics help the animals live and survive. We ended the week with our unit assessment.


  • Please Send in the STANDARD SIZED PILLOW CASE FOR A PRECIOUS KEEPSAKE PROJECT. See the letter in  your child’s coyote folder. This information was in our last week’s newsletter. This takes time to do and we cannot start it until we have all the pillow cases. So far no one has sent one to school. If you purchase a pack of two and would like to donate a pillow case to someone in our class, that would be appreciated.


*Please see the attached flyer about medical disposal day from our counselor.


*Attached is a flyer  from Ms. Rios, our art teacher about our virtual Art Show- I just found out one of our classmates has a piece of art in the show! Great job Jonathan!

Friday, April 9, 2021

Week 29

Dear Parents,

        This was a short week but we managed to get a lot done! In math we took our assessment on fractions and began our unit on solid and plane shapes. We had fun observing solid shapes to count their faces, edges and vertices. In writing and reading we continued working on our procedural paper with a buddy. We chose a topic, researched, sited sources and wrote our rough drafts. All we have left is the editing checklist and final copy! In Reading we read Two stories about plants and took an assessment. In science we took our assessment over unit 11 Physical Characteristics and Needs of Plants and started Unit 12 on Physical Characteristics and behaviors of Animals.


*Coyotes, we are celebrating Coyote Ridge’s First Annual Clothing Drive! Our goal is to donate as many new items as possible for LISD’s “Dressed to Learn” program. Donations will assist students in need of clothing items such as socks, underwear, shirts, pants and shoes. Please support us by sending “new” items only. Here at CRE, we are passionate in supporting our local community and students in need. Your support is always appreciated! The grade level with the most donations will win a grade-level prize! See the attached flyer or the copy in your child’s Coyote Folder.




CRE Families:  There is still time to order the 2020-2021 Yearbook!  Quantities are limited (50 books left).  You are not just buying a yearbook but a part of history!


Virtual Book Fair:


Hi CRE families!  Our Scholastic Virtual Book Fair is going strong!  Thank you so much to all the families who have shopped the fair!  If you have not made it to the fair you still have time!  The last day to purchase in Sunday, April 11th.  You can visit using this link:  https://bit.ly/CREvirtualBF


But wait there is more!  Students have the option of entering a raffle for several books that will be given away next week!  They are all brand new books used to promote the book fair during Book Talk Tuesday in the announcements.  Students who are interested in entering the raffle will need to submit this form (It’s a book fair scavenger hunt!!!): http://bit.ly/CREBFRaffle


Thursday, April 1, 2021

Week 28

 Dear Parents,

         This week in math we continued learning about fractions. We had our review on Thursday and our assessment will be next Tuesday. Reviewing with your child over the weekend will ensure they come back ready for the test. In writing and reading your child worked with a partner to finish researching, organize his/her notes, and put it in paragraphs to complete the research paper. We edited for commas in a series as well as spelling, grammar and other forms of punctuation. Our map skill focus was on borders. In science we continued learning about plant parts, played the plant parts, game, observed our growing grass seeds and experiment with plants and colored water. We made observations and recorded them in our science notebooks. On April Fools Day we made a class riddle book and told jokes from our Laffy Taffy treat.


This Week’s Kindness Challenge: Always remember to think before you do something online. How will it affect others?


Here are some updates from Mrs. Hernandez, our librarian, news about PE, as  well as our next virtual Habit Paper:


 *Spring time is yearbook time!  CRE families you still have time to pre-order the CRE 2020-2021 Yearbook!  Do you want to learn more about our fabulous Teacher of the Year?  Or see all the ways that we made school fun and meaningful?  Purchase the yearbook and remember this very unique school year!  The yearbook is $25 with an option to personalize it with your child’s name for an additional $5!  Visit our site today:  https://bit.ly/CREyearbook  or scan the QR code!


*Hello CRE families!  The Scholastic Virtual Book Fair is open!  Thank you so much to all the families who have already purchased books!  By doing so, you are helping our school library because we will receive 25% of all proceeds in Scholastic money!  That means more materials that can be used by our students!  


Please visit the Virtual Book Fair here before April 11th https://bit.ly/CREvirtualBF


Here is a video on visiting the book fair:  https://www.loom.com/share/91031061a8ba41ebaf9d78e54773058e


Here is a video on creating an account with Scholastic:  https://www.loom.com/share/5fb6f7c405044833a4102e92932a1fa8


You will notice that the videos have Fall dates, our Spring dates are March 29th -April 11th!


Mrs. Hernandez – School Librarian


*  We learned how to do Sport Stacking in PE last week and some students were interested in ordering their own Speed Stacks. There is an attached flyer that tells how you can purchase them , if you would like.


*April, Habit 6: Synergize

Thank you to all the families who participated in our virtual March Habit Newsletter activity! Don’t forget that if your family participates in ALL 7 Newsletters, you will be showcased in our school as a Lighthouse Family!

  • April’s Habit of the Month is Habit 6: Synergize! Please click here to view and complete the virtual April Newsletter. It contains information about Habit 6, a read-aloud video, discussion questions to talk about with your child, and a short activity to do at home. Please have this completed by next Wednesday, April 7th. 
  • April 7th is also Synergize Day! We want to see the entire school wear ORANGE for Habit 6 on Wednesday!
  • We will be tracking grade level participation for completing the virtual newsletter. The grade level with the highest percentage of participation for April will receive a grade level prize! Congratulations to 2nd and 4th grade for having the most students/families participate in the month of March!




Have a wonderful four day weekend! ðŸ˜Š