Dear Parents,
This week in math we delved into interpreting graphs. We looked at the information given and answered questions about the graphs and even composed questions of our own. We also made predictions upon seeing patterns on the graph as to what the next week would look like. Did the number go up? Down? By how much? There has been lots of critical thinking going on. In reading/social studies we have been focusing on consumers, producers, goods and services. How do the goods we buy at the store get made and get to the store. We have looked at and created flow charts to see the steps. In writing we began writing our own procedural text about something we know how to do. We brainstormed many ideas, then chose a topic. Each child then will break their steps into 4 boxes, draw illustrations, then text. In science we have started ou unit on the life cycles of insects. We had our caterpillars arrive last Friday. The children watched them as they quickly quadrupled in size and then went into a chrysalis. We are anxiously awaiting our butterflies to emerge. On Wednesday we had special visitors via webex. One of my former student’s parents are owners of seven different birds. They shared how they care for them as well as talked about the physical characteristics and behaviors of their birds. We learned lots of wonderful information!
CRE Families, the yearbooks have arrived and were distributed today! If you would like to purchase one, there is still time! You can now purchase a yearbook with cash or check (payable to Coyote Ridge ES) in the office. You can also use credit or debit by visiting this site Yearbooks are $25 and there are a few left!
Hello CRE families! We are near the end of our school year and I would like to thank you all for helping this be a success! Next week is the last week to check out books! All books will be due on May 14th! Now of course, the sooner we can them back the better! Please encourage your children to locate and return books by on before that date. Thank you again for all of your support!
Mrs. Hernandez
School Librarian