Dear Parents,
It was an exciting week at CRE! The children were finishing up their presents for you, making their own wrapping paper and card. We also had a 5 days before winter break treat each day. Today they come home with my gift, a chapter book! We had our movie day on Wednesday and watched the Polar Express while eating popcorn and drinking hot chocolate in our comfy pajamas.. We had our fabulous Winter party run by our room moms, Amber Rice and Yessidey Stevens. Thank you so much for making their party so memorable! Thank you also to the parents who came to visit our room during the party. You made it very special for our class. On Friday we had our annual sing along and recognition rally!
Even with all the excitement we accomplished lots of learning this week. In math we reviewed for our assessment over place value, ordering and comparing numbers and placing numbers on a number line. We took our assessment on Tuesday.
In language we have been working on personal communication writing. We firat learned how to write a note and now are writing friendly letters. We revised and edited them this week and will write the final copy upon our return.
In reading we read and compared Gingerbread Baby with The Gingerbread Man. We discussed how they were alike and how they were different. We read a scholastic News article called “ Holiday Bakery” and took a comprehension check.
In science we wrapped up our learning with a talk read talk write activity about natural water sources. We took our assessment on Wednesday. We are still having fun playing a game where the children are challenged to recognize pictures of water sources by their description.
I want to say that I am overwhelmed by your kindness since the passing of my mother. You also spoiled me this Christmas with your thoughtful gifts and messages. I absolutely love my job and cherish each day I spend guiding and teaching your children! I wish you all many blessings this winter break and throughout the New Year!