About Me

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Carrollton, Texas, United States
Welcome to my blog! My name is Beth Carpenter! I am a 2nd grade teacher at Coyote Ridge Elementary. I majored in Early Childhood Education and have taught for 25 years. I have taught grades K- 3 which gives me a unique ability to know where my second graders fit within those grades. Teaching is more than a profession to me, it is a calling. I love to help light the fire of curiosity to help all my students become lifelong learners!


Morning Meeting 7:45-8:00 8:00-9:30 Math Brain Break 9:30-9:40 Guided Reading 9:40-10:35 Fine Arts 10:35-11:25 Lunch 11:30-12:00 Writer's Workshop 12:00- 1:00 Recess 1:00-1:30 Reading/Social Studies 1:30-2:00 Science 2:00-2:50 Pack/Stack/Dismiss 2:50-3:00

Friday, April 28, 2023

Week 34

 Dear Parents,

         This week in math we continued on with graphing. We read bar graphs and pictographs to answer questions. We had to be sure to look at the numbers at the bottom of the graph or the graph key to see if the numbers were going up by 1s, 2s, 5s, or 10s. We also had a chance to analyze the data and come up with our own questions.

           In writing we continued researching the Great White Shark. They children were amazed at the interesting facts we learned through research. Once we are finished with our class paper your child will begin researching an animal of his/her choice during writing and science time to write their own research paper. Information is coming home today in your child’s Coyote folder about a habitat box that your child will make at home. Directions are on the paper. Using a shoe box your child creates a habitat that can support their chosen animal. There should be a water source, a food source and possibly shelter depending on the animal. This can be completely made out of paper. There is no need to spend money on supplies unless you choose to. If you would like some construction paper to help support this project, just send an e-mail to me telling me what colors you would like. Printing a picture of your animal and placing it in the habitat works, but if your child would like to draw their animal, I can send home white paper.

           In reading and social studies we learned about the continents and oceans of the world. We also learned who  producers and consumers are and how they are dependent on one another. We made a circle-rama showing how we are consumers who buy things that are grown by, made by, or are provided a service by a producer.

             In science we are learning all about the characteristics of animals eyes, ears, teeth, limbs, and body coverings. We talked about how these different characteristics help them survive. We even got to handle real animal furs from our library!


  • Thank you to my five parents who volunteered to help with the pillowcase project (Amber Rice, Yessidey Stevens, Michelle Douglas, Jee Yeun Yun, and Christopher Restorff) and for all the extra donations so that all students have a pillowcase. – I do not have the printed poem from our team lead as of yet, but will get them sent home as soon as I do .


Hello CRE families!  Our CRE Yearbook online sale portal will close on Friday, May 5th.  If you have not purchased a yearbook, you have a week left before it closes!  Once it is closed the only way to purchase a yearbook will be after May 19th in the office.  As of this morning, we have 14 yearbooks left to sale.  Whatever does not get sold by next Friday will be available in the office, first come first serve.  Have a great day!


Purchase your yearbook here:  http://bit.ly/CREyearbook


Mrs. Clements and Mrs. Hernandez

Yearbook advisors

Friday, April 21, 2023

Week 33

 Dear Parents,


   This week in math we finished our geometry unit as we learned all about plane shapes and solid shapes. It was quite challenging! We then took our assessment on Thursday.

    In writing we began our last unit which will be researching animals. We will do a class research paper on sharks and then each student will pick an animal of his/her choice to research.

    In social Studies we learned about Earth Day and read a Scholastic News about what happens to a plastic bottle when it gets recycled. In reading we read two stories, Jack and the Beanstalk as well as Jackie and the Beanstalk. We compared the external and internal characteristics of two of the characters and  found text to self, text to text, and text to world connections.

     In science we finished our unit about the life cycles of insects. Next week we have a Master Naturalist giving a Presentation to our second graders about butterflies and grasshoppers. Our butterflies all came out of their Chrysalises on Wednesday. We actually got to see one of them pump up its wings!


Please Send a white- STANDARD size pillow case for a special second grade project by  April 24th. They are $5.00 for 2 at Wallmart. If you would like to donate an extra pillow case for a child that does not get one it would be appreciated.


Art Room Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/ypwv8

Exciting LISD Elementary District Art show information. Our Coyote Ridge Artist works will be on display at the gallery. A family fun night for sure!


State testing will begin soon across the district and state.  Our campus will be participating in STAAR testing on the following dates:  April 26th  (RLA- reading/language arts); May 4th (Science);and  May 10th(Mathematics). This is a state mandated test. Because of the confidentiality and security of testing, please note campus adjustments to support staff and students: 


  • NO VISITORS WILL BE ALLOWED ON CAMPUS ON THESE DATES and this includes no lunch visitors. Please ensure that your child has a proper lunch prior to the day starting to reduce lunch drop-offs. 


Please reach out to your child’s homeroom teacher if you have additional questions. We thank you for your support during this very important state assessment process. 


Mrs. Thompson (Asst. Principal & Testing Coordinator)

Friday, April 14, 2023

Week 32

 Dear Parents,

      This week in math we continued learning about 2-d , plane shapes, and 3-D, solid shapes. We learned the names, the number of vertices and sides of the plane shapes and that they are all called polygons. We learned strategies for counting the faces, vertices and edges of the solid shapes. We learned how to reason and use pattern blocks to create new shapes. 

       In writing we finished our “how to” class papers and began our own “how to” paper about something we know how to do. We made sure we were clear, used transition words, drew illustrations, and labeled them.

      In reading we reviewed story structure and retelling. I challenged the class to retell Jack and the Beanstalk  using all important details in their own words. Two  students have earned a $20 bonus for meeting the challenge thus far.

        In science we have been fascinated as we learn more about the life cycles of grasshoppers and butterflies. We were so excited so see our larva turn into a pupa stage by shedding its skin! 

        Please Send a white- STANDARD size pillow case for a special second grade project. They are $5.00 for 2 at Wallmart. If you would like to donate an extra pillow case for a child that does not get one it would be appreciated.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Week 31

 Dear Parents,

      This week we learned about 2-D shapes that had from 3 vertices and sides to 12 vertices and sides. We learned how to be exact in our marking and counting those sides. We also learned a new vocabulary word- parallel. We talked about which shapes have parallel sides.

       In writing we continued on drafting, editing and revising our how to paper. We learned about prepositions and how they are helpful words when you are writing a procedural paper.

        In Social studies/ reading we learned all about landforms like mountains, hills, plains, volcanoes, coastlines, and plateaus. We created a flip book to demonstrate our knowledge of those landforms.

         In science we had an exciting development. Our butterfly larvae arrived. All week we observed them as they ate and grew. They shed their skin as they grew. We can’t wait to see them make their Chrysalis. We wrote down our wonderings about grasshoppers and butterflies as we will continue to learn about an insects life cycle.


    *A Field Trip letter and form came home last week in your child’s Coyote Folder. The form and $12.00 are due on MONDAY. Please make sure it gets put in your child’s blue folder as we have to send the money to the museum. We will be going to the Perot Museum on Monday, May 8th.

      I will be allowed to take 5 chaperones to the museum. The chaperones will come at 8:40 to collect their groups lunches in our classroom. Each chaperone will have 3-4 children. Please bring a bag large enough to hold the lunches. Chaperones will follow the buses to the museum. The cost of the student is $12.00. The 5 chaperone slots are filled. If you are one of the five, you will receive a second e-mail from me today, including my classroom  link for you to sign up for our field trip.



* Good Afternoon CRE Families!  


Please join us on Wednesday, April 19th from 5:30-7:00 pm for our Spring into STEM math and STEM night.  This year’s theme will be Spring!  Students will be able to travel through the school completing fun math and STEM based activities! Students who complete their passport will receive a prize at the end! Can’t wait to see everyone there!