Dear Parents,
This week we stayed on course with our studies! In science we took our last test over plant characteristics. In Math we finished up graphing and took our end of the year CBA. We read our last story and took our comprehension/vocabulary test on Thursday. In writing we are working on fabulous endings and began writing about second grade memories.We completed our Bell Books for social studies and they are going home today along with our poetry books.
I want to take this time to thank all of you for sharing your children with me this year.! I have seen so much growth and I am proud of each one of them for his/her hard work, problem solving, and creative thinking that went on in second grade. We have learned so much together and have become connected through these experiences. I appreciate all the help I received from home. Your willingness to partner with me in your child’s education has made all the difference. These last few days are always bitter sweet. I love watching my fledglings fly off and soar on their own, but I will miss each one deeply!
Have a nice long weekend together and a great Summer!