Friday, September 28, 2018
Week 7
Dear Parents,
This week in math our focus was looking at story problems, analyzing them and deciding if they were addition or subtraction problems. We learned that stories that compared two things were subtraction problems. We also learned that when there is a problem with an unknown number (I have 6 marbles. I get some more. Now I have 12. How many did I get?) We learned you can solve it using addition or subtraction as long as you realize which number is the answer to the problem. ( 6 + ? = 12 or 12 – 6 = 6) The answer for both is six. We practiced showing these problems with manipulatives and pictures. Our assessment was Friday.
In writing we learned about common nouns and proper nouns. We looked in an article about butterflies to hunt for common nouns. We began writing sentences to see the nouns in our own writing. We practiced our handwriting and finished our final copies of our fall writing. On Friday we began writing a color poem in honor of American Indian Heritage Day.
In reading we learned about nonfiction text features. We learned that they each have a purpose and learned what that purpose is. We went searching through nonfiction texts to find examples of those features. We set up an apple investigation. We have three apples: one whole, one cut in half and one cut up in many pieces. We weigh them every day and found out that they are losing weight. We came to the conclusion that they are losing water. Now we are predicting which one will lose the greatest mass. We learned about Johnny Appleseed and other famous Americans that we consider good citizens. We also had our next Leader in me Lesson which when beginning with the end in mind, we make a plan!
In science we began Unit 3 called changing and combining matter. We began predicting what would happen to a marshmallow when we added heat to it and put it in a microwave. We were very surprised to see it blow up really big and puffy. We also observed how the properties of the marshmallow changed as it cooled. It got flat and crunchy. We also added heat to milk and a bar of soap. Each time we made predictions and noted what happened when we added heat and when we took the heat away. We got to write a secret message in lemon juice on a piece of paper and see what happened to it when it was heated. We loved watching our messages appear.
- There are a few important things to look for in your child’s Coyote Folder this week: A progress report with your child’s Texas State Fair ticket stapled to it, A Pumpkin Project with direction page attached, And information about our swim week which is coming up the week of October 15th. There are two forms in the swim packet that I need completed and returned as soon as possible. Your child can earn 3 stickers if both forms come back on Monday.
Friday, September 21, 2018
Week 6
Dear Parents,
It’s hard to believe that six weeks of school has already passed. We are established in our routines and know how to take charge of our learning. We are learning our responsibilities and beginning to take charge without reminders. We learned about Habit 2 this week which was “begin with the end in mind”. We learned that if we plan our actions while thinking about the results of those actions it helps us in our classroom and at home. Doing the right actions leads to a great future!
I will be sending home a permission form in your child’s coyote folder for you to sign this weekend. The second grade teachers met with our school’s technologist Mrs. Wall and learned about two apps which would benefit our students. These apps allow the students to create projects by taking pictures, labeling, voice recording, and drawing. These projects can be saved to a folder and shared with me. Only the students and I will view their work. These apps do have a privacy policy which is why I need your permission to let your child use them. Please return the form as soon as possible so we can start creating.
In math this week we were discussing how to solve addition and subtraction word problems. There were lots of great discussions as partners showed how they got their answers. We learned how to double numbers by using manipulatives, using graph paper as well as using number cards.
In writing we took our beginning of year writing sample through the writing process. We learned how to make our writing more interesting by revising as well as more readable by editing for punctuation and spelling. These treasures will be displayed in our hallway.
Since this was Constitution Week we spent our reading time learning about the constitution, the preamble, and our pledge. We then got to create an American Symbols Book by choosing six symbols that we were interested in researching. We now say our pledge knowing what a gift our country is as we think about the meaning behind the words.
In Science we finished up our unit on classifying matter by having many meaningful activities where we described properties of matter and grouped them according to those properties. We took a vocabulary assessment and a unit assessment this week.
Friday, September 14, 2018
Week 5
Dear Parents,
This week we had our first assessment in math over unit 1. We were composing and decomposing numbers as well as representing numbers in standard form, word form and expanded form. Some students are still working to understand these concepts and may have to be retaught and given a chance to correct for a 70. Only assessments may be given for corrections. This number sense will continue to be taught throughout the year. We had many hands on experiences, small group, as well as partner work.
In writing we dug through the dictionary to find out about guide words, phonetic spelling of the word as well as how to find out what part of speech a word is. We saw that a definition or up to 5 definitions of words may be given. Sometimes they used the word in the sentence. We looked up our own words with a partner. Our technology extension is to look at during guided reading rotations. We wrote an acrostic poem about peace on 9/11.
In social studies we learned about Patriots Day. We learned about the brave people who helped America on 9/11. We had a minute of silence in remembrance of that day. We also read a Scholastic News about how to make friends and completed a comprehension check. We have begun reviewing Habit 2 from Leader In Me: Begin with the End in Mind. We talked about what matters most. Soon we will be making our personal and academic goals and keep track on our progress.
In reading we continued learning about our many choices during guided reading rotations to practice our spelling words, read and respond to a text, and the many writing activities we can do. We are so creative and enjoy doing our best.
In science we are continuing to observe matter like a scientist. We have had lots of practice looking at physical properties of matter and recording them with our partners. Scientists use their senses to observe the world around them.
- Conference Dates and times went home on Thursday. Please return your top three choices as soon as possible and I will send home the confirmation with date and time as soon as possible. I put an X on the times that were taken. If you were scheduled for next week, a date and time confirmation slip will be in your child’s coyote folder.
Saturday, September 8, 2018
Week 4
Dear Parents,
Now with a month of school behind us your second graders are really feeling comfortable in our room and know the expectations and school responsibilities. Their stamina for working is increasing. I am very proud of the effort they are putting forth. In math this week we continued learning about numbers up to 100 by showing them in different ways. We learned that tens can be shown as ten sticks, towers, card packs of ten, rows of ten, dimes and sticker strips of tens. We learned that ones can be cubes, singles, left overs, pennies or just 1 card. We built many different numbers and drew our answers to word problems representing these numbers. This is building their place value knowledge for the rest of the year.
In writing we had more practice as we continued to work on stories from our heart (narratives) or writing like an author writes from a mentor text. We had lessons on stretching words and being fearless spellers. We learned how to get many sounds down, circle the word and check the spelling later. We also did some fun interactive writing to learn how to develop ideas and use interesting words even if we are not quite sure how to spell them.
In reading we have been going through our station rotations as I completed 1 on 1 beginning of year assessments. After our writing assessment is complete I will begin fall conferences. Look for a letter with more information and dates to come home next week.
In social studies we continued learning about being a good citizen and our Leader in me lessons about being proactive and what is within our circle of control. I have already seen great leadership in my second graders! Thank you all for getting your leadership posters turned in. Now we can begin choosing our leaders of the week which will be spotlighted on our classroom blog. To see the blog, just click on the blue link in my signature line.
In science we began learning how scientists classify matter by their physical properties. We learned that matter has mass and takes up space. We looked at objects and described them by their physical properties. We practiced Talk /Read/Talk/ Write. This helps our thinking be added to our schema. We classified objects into groups by these properties. It was another great week of learning!
- PLEASE join PTA. Second grade is in second place for overall membership!
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