Dear Parents,
It’s hard to believe that six weeks of school has already passed. We are established in our routines and know how to take charge of our learning. We are learning our responsibilities and beginning to take charge without reminders. We learned about Habit 2 this week which was “begin with the end in mind”. We learned that if we plan our actions while thinking about the results of those actions it helps us in our classroom and at home. Doing the right actions leads to a great future!
I will be sending home a permission form in your child’s coyote folder for you to sign this weekend. The second grade teachers met with our school’s technologist Mrs. Wall and learned about two apps which would benefit our students. These apps allow the students to create projects by taking pictures, labeling, voice recording, and drawing. These projects can be saved to a folder and shared with me. Only the students and I will view their work. These apps do have a privacy policy which is why I need your permission to let your child use them. Please return the form as soon as possible so we can start creating.
In math this week we were discussing how to solve addition and subtraction word problems. There were lots of great discussions as partners showed how they got their answers. We learned how to double numbers by using manipulatives, using graph paper as well as using number cards.
In writing we took our beginning of year writing sample through the writing process. We learned how to make our writing more interesting by revising as well as more readable by editing for punctuation and spelling. These treasures will be displayed in our hallway.
Since this was Constitution Week we spent our reading time learning about the constitution, the preamble, and our pledge. We then got to create an American Symbols Book by choosing six symbols that we were interested in researching. We now say our pledge knowing what a gift our country is as we think about the meaning behind the words.
In Science we finished up our unit on classifying matter by having many meaningful activities where we described properties of matter and grouped them according to those properties. We took a vocabulary assessment and a unit assessment this week.
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