Dear Parents,
This was a short week, but we still had lots of learning activities to fill up our 3 1/2 days! In math we continued on with addition and addition stories. This week we learned how to regroup with blocks and in a math algorithm. Math pages went home as homework a little more than usual as we did not have any spelling homework this week.
In language we focused on researching interesting topics of our choice. We answered questions by using the facts4me website. We had fun learning about our chosen topics.
In reading we compared two books by the same author. We used a double bubble map to show how these books were the same, and how they were different. We also read an interesting Scholastic News on spiders. Thank you PTA for this valuable resource!
In Social Studies we used our mapping skills to complete a map of Columbus’ route. We watched a Brain Pop Jr. about Columbus and answered some comprehension questions about the video. We were very interested to learn that Columbus never stepped foot on North America! We are also learning about Habit 3 in the Leader in Me Program. We are learning to put first things, first. We realized this can help us both at home and at school.
In science we had an assessment over our vocabulary for unit 3 and also completed a talk, read, talk, write activity. We are learning that when making things we use a variety of materials because of their physical properties. These materials can do things together that they cannot alone.
- Please send in $3.00 for our second grade baskets for the Fall Festival silent auction. We will be putting together an arts and crafts basket and a baking basket.
- Our swim week starts Monday. Please read the letter in your child’s coyote folder that tells them what to bring. It is so important that they bring their bag each day with them to school as our class leaves to swim at 8:30 in the morning.
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