Dear Parents,
In Math this week we have been learning the basics of multiplication and division as repeated addition and repeated subtraction. We have been building buildings with our snap cubes. We talk about the groups as floors and the number in each group as rooms. We built 5 floors and then used our math skills to figure out how many rooms there were in 10 floors. We also had objects that we had to put into equal groups. This showed us how to divide the objects.
In Language we have been learning how to write a biography. We learned that a person’s life needs to be told in a chronological order. We also had to distinguish which facts were important and should be included in our biography. We then worked with partners to rewrite the information in our own words. We took this piece through the writing process.
In reading we have been learning about how things change over time. We have read about how communication, homes, schools, toys, games, and transportation have changed over time. We completed a book that showed our knowledge about then and now.
In science we finished up our unit on force and motion and took our assessment on Thursday. We will be starting a new unit next week.
Congratulations to our Leader of the Week, Analise!
Congratulations to our Leader of the Week, Analise!
*It’s yearbook time! The 2018-2019 CRE yearbook is on sale now. Ordering information went home in student Friday folders. You can also order online at and select our school. Order by January 25th to guarantee your copy when our yearbooks are delivered in May.
*Thank you to all the families who participated in our first Habit Newsletter last month!
In your child’s folder on Monday, will be the November Goals Newsletter. Attached to the newsletter is an activity that corresponds with the monthly habit of December, Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind. Please assist your child in completing the activity and sign/return the half sheet to their homeroom teacher by TUESDAY December 6th.
We will be tracking grade level participation for returning the half sheet. The grade level with the highest percentage of participation for December will receive 15 minutes of extra recess!
*Please note that this month students only have one day to complete and return the activity to their teacher