About Me

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Carrollton, Texas, United States
Welcome to my blog! My name is Beth Carpenter! I am a 2nd grade teacher at Coyote Ridge Elementary. I majored in Early Childhood Education and have taught for 25 years. I have taught grades K- 3 which gives me a unique ability to know where my second graders fit within those grades. Teaching is more than a profession to me, it is a calling. I love to help light the fire of curiosity to help all my students become lifelong learners!


Morning Meeting 7:45-8:00 8:00-9:30 Math Brain Break 9:30-9:40 Guided Reading 9:40-10:35 Fine Arts 10:35-11:25 Lunch 11:30-12:00 Writer's Workshop 12:00- 1:00 Recess 1:00-1:30 Reading/Social Studies 1:30-2:00 Science 2:00-2:50 Pack/Stack/Dismiss 2:50-3:00

Friday, September 25, 2020

 Dear Parents,

            This week in math we continued our focus on solving word problems. Homework went home on Tuesday and Thursday. These need to brought back to school to be turned in. This extra support will help grow your child practice important skills. We took our assessment on Thursday. They have learned the steps that will help them be successful.

             In reading/ Social Studies we continued focusing on details, but began learning how to summarize as we learned more about being a good citizen. Reading logs are to be done each night Mon.-Thursday then turned in on Fridays. I have decided to get three reading books in each child’s book folder. Then I will switch one out each week. That way your child will have three books at his/her level to read for their reading log. Rereading books helps the children become more familiar with the sigh words.

              In writing we published our Fall stories and began learning about types of sentences and their ending punctuation. On Monday we will finish learning our song that helps us remember what each punctuation mark does. Children can choose to sing it for 5 stickers for their chart.

               In science we finished up our unit on classifying matter and began a unit on Matter- changes from heat. We already completed two investigations. One with marshmallows and one with ice. Ask your child what we found out together as we observed the changes in these two types of matter from heat.

                Please support your child by practicing their spelling every night with a quick sort. The groups that have pictures to sort need to know what those pictures are. The test pictures do not have the words written n them. The group that spells the words will spell them on the test form. Each group has sentences. Most words are words that They should know how to spell. Please help your child by practicing any high frequency words your child misses. A lot of them spell the word “of “as “uv” . Any extra practice will help them do better on these sentences. Spelling is the only subject that cannot be redone for a 70%. If your child does poorly two weeks in a row, I drop them to an earlier spelling stage to help them be more successful.


*Please view the PTA video below and sign up to be able to view the new CRE Website using the links below. Once signed up please consider getting a PTA membership. There are also Spirit Wear items for sale. 




 Link to the website


Friday, September 18, 2020

 Dear Parents,

        We continued working on counting money, using greater than, less than and equal to signs to compare groups of coins, and finding the right amount to add to a group of coins to get to a dollar. These are really hard concepts. Please continue to practice at home. I sent three of the homework pages from this unit for practice, but so far I only have two students who turned them in. This is a chance for your child to earn more stickers to fill up their treasure box chart.

       We began guided reading this week. Books get sent home for your child to practice with you. These books can also be used to fill up the reading log. Reading logs are filled out Mon. -Thurs. Please make sure that they are ready to be turned in each Friday. These too, earn stickers for our charts as the children learn the responsibility of following through each week. The books will be collected on Fridays and quarantined for 4 days before getting returned to our leveled library. Please make sure your child brings back their book each day as we read the books several times to focus on vocabulary, details, retelling, fluency and many more skills. In Social Studies we have been focusing on the Constitution, our flag, and the Bill of Rights. 

         Writing’s focus this week was the writing process. We wrote our beginning of year writing sample, then took in through the writing process. I can’t wait to see the growth as your children learn the power of words and expressing their ideas!

           In science we continued classifying matter by physical properties. We watched a movie about solids, liquids and gases, participated in a talk, read, talk write activity, and drew diagrams in our science notebooks explaining the differences in these three states of matter. We used our senses and science tools  to describe a gummy snake. We are starting to get our work stamina back. I am proud of the effort your children are putting forth. 

            We were visited by the traveling Library cart and our new librarian, Mrs. Hernandez this week. We also had a visit from Mrs. Moore, our counselor,  who read us a book about kindness. All in all, it was a full week of learning!


* Please make sure your child brings a water bottle and a snack each day. I bought snacks to give out, but at level orange, I am not allowed to pass them out for safety reasons. Our fountains are turned off, so the only drink your child can get is if he/she brings a water bottle to be refilled at the filling stations.


*If you have not already, please turn in your Leadership Poster

 Dear Parents, 

        It was such a great week spent together, getting to know each other and our routines. Your children really impressed me as they handled challenges that they’ve never handled before. School looked a lot different, but we still had lots of fun learning! 

       In math we’ve been busy counting money. This is a very challenging task for second graders. Counting in their heads does not usually work. As we started in remote learning, we draw the coins as circles, put what the coins are worth on the circles. Then count up underneath as we add each coin. Practice at home is appreciated. We will continue to work on this difficult skill throughout the year. 

        In reading we continued to focus on the central ideas of stories as we read Mango, Abuela and Me and Meet Me Half Way. In social studies we reviewed our treatment agreement, learned our classroom expectations and classroom safety measures. On Friday we learned about Patriot’s Day. We wrote an acrostic poem about peace.

       In writing we compared the writing process to making a work of art out of Play-Do. We sculpted (rough draft), added (revised), took away (edited)and completed our work of art (published). We began using our spelling dictionaries and became fearless spellers. We wrote about things we like on a capital I. 

       In science we continued on with our properties of matter unit. We sent home the science safety contract to be signed by your second grader and yourself. Bringing it back earns them their science safety license. We used our observational skills to classify items as a class. We had an investigation in which we wrote down the properties of a frozen gummy worm/ not frozen gummy worm, a popsicle/ a melted popsicle, and a deflated balloon/ inflated balloon. We found that it was fun being a scientist!

Friday, September 4, 2020

 Dear Parents,

        What we have all been waiting for is about to happen …. next Tuesday Sept. 8th: Your children will be coming to school in person. Please purchase all the school supplies on our attached list. In the linked PowerPoint presentation, I tell you which items to bring on which days. We know your  children cannot carry everything with them, but would like to be prepared for our first day of school. Please have your child bring water bottles, a mask and snack every day. Our Fine Arts Rotation has changed. On Tuesday we have PE, so please wear your shoes. (Tues. PE, Wed. STEM, Thurs. Art, Fri.  Music) Their Blue Daily folder will come home every day. Please check it for notes from me and I will check it for notes from you.


Here is the important PowerPoint link that tells ALL you need to know about returning to school.:

