Dear Parents,
This week in math we continued our focus on solving word problems. Homework went home on Tuesday and Thursday. These need to brought back to school to be turned in. This extra support will help grow your child practice important skills. We took our assessment on Thursday. They have learned the steps that will help them be successful.
In reading/ Social Studies we continued focusing on details, but began learning how to summarize as we learned more about being a good citizen. Reading logs are to be done each night Mon.-Thursday then turned in on Fridays. I have decided to get three reading books in each child’s book folder. Then I will switch one out each week. That way your child will have three books at his/her level to read for their reading log. Rereading books helps the children become more familiar with the sigh words.
In writing we published our Fall stories and began learning about types of sentences and their ending punctuation. On Monday we will finish learning our song that helps us remember what each punctuation mark does. Children can choose to sing it for 5 stickers for their chart.
In science we finished up our unit on classifying matter and began a unit on Matter- changes from heat. We already completed two investigations. One with marshmallows and one with ice. Ask your child what we found out together as we observed the changes in these two types of matter from heat.
Please support your child by practicing their spelling every night with a quick sort. The groups that have pictures to sort need to know what those pictures are. The test pictures do not have the words written n them. The group that spells the words will spell them on the test form. Each group has sentences. Most words are words that They should know how to spell. Please help your child by practicing any high frequency words your child misses. A lot of them spell the word “of “as “uv” . Any extra practice will help them do better on these sentences. Spelling is the only subject that cannot be redone for a 70%. If your child does poorly two weeks in a row, I drop them to an earlier spelling stage to help them be more successful.
*Please view the PTA video below and sign up to be able to view the new CRE Website using the links below. Once signed up please consider getting a PTA membership. There are also Spirit Wear items for sale.