Dear Parents,
It’s hard to believe we are down to one last week of school! We are still going strong and learning a lot. This week in math we continued on with our personal finance unit. The children are learning about depositing and withdrawing from a bank account, and how to pay for things with money, a debit card, a credit card and a check. We also solved many word problems about borrowing and lending money. In reading/ social studies we read two Scholastic News articles and learned about landforms. In writing we are busy filling out a RAN chart about what we think we know about Great White Sharks and confirming that information through research. In science we finished up our unit on animal behaviors and took our assessment.
*Please send $3.00 To cover the cost of the end of year party
Social Worker S’more Great information about resources your families can access now and as they head into the summer. See the attached flyer.
Metrocrest Services is now registering kiddos for their Sack Summer Hunger program. Registration is open until May 16th. It will offer a week’s worth of breakfast, lunch, and snack for each school-aged kiddo and will be delivered to their homes on Saturdays. There is an attached flyer and a screen shot with information on the program as well as how to apply. The flyer does say that they will need birth certificates or other documents. However, if any of these are a barrier, still encourage the parents to apply. Metrocrest is willing to find a way to work with the families to get them what they need (however, they do have to live in Carrollton to qualify for services)!
*School-Wide Istation Reading Goal:
Coyotes! This year we set a school-wide goal for our monthly Istation Reading scores. The goal was to have at least 85% Kinder through 5th Grade students, In-Person AND Virtual, make 6 months of growth from October to April. Congratulations! We met our goal, and had 89% of Kinder-5th Graders make 6 months of growth on their Reading Istation scores. To celebrate, we will have a school-wide SILLY HAT DAY on Wednesday, May 19th. Wear your silly and crazy hats to school or your virtual class and celebrate making our school wide goal. We are so proud of all your hard work this year!
* Through this registration, parents are able to request a backpack and school supplies free of charge for the upcoming school year 2021-2022. At this time, the backpacks will be delivered to our campus prior to the beginning of school. This is a great resource, no questions asked and a huge money saver! Deadline to register is June 30th!