Dear Parents,
This week was so full of learning , testing and fun activities! In math we took our assessment on graphing. We also took our end of year CBA. We also started our unit on Personal Finance. In writing we worked on a special Mother’s Day card and writing activity. There is also a wonderful gift for our mother’s which was made in art class. In reading we worked on math skills, a scholastic news as well as reading a nonfiction story in which we monitored our reading and clarified any questions by looking in the text, photos or accessing what we already knew.
We are so close to the end of the school year! We had a wonderful year considering the restrictions! I was able to wheel around the Book Mobile throughout the whole school to visit each classroom weekly. I hope that the students enjoyed their library visits! As I prepare to close down the library I ask that you support me in helping your lovelies return all library books checked out by Friday, May 14th. I will be sending home notices of lost or overdue books on Monday, May 17th. If your child received one and you can’t find the book you may always send cash or check (payable to Coyote Ridge ES) to replace the book. You can always reach out to me at to work something out. Have a wonderful summer and please remember that all the public libraries around our city will be having some exciting reading challenges and programs all summer long. I will send more information on that next week. Thank you for all your support!
Mrs. Hernandez, School Librarian
Attention all CRE families there is still time to purchase a yearbook! The online store has closed but you can still purchase one in the office. They will accept cash or checks (payable to Coyote Ridge ES) until we run out! Thank you!
Mrs. Hernandez and Mrs. Rios
Social Worker S’more Great information about resources your families can access now and as they head into the summer. See the attached flyer.
Metrocrest Services is now registering kiddos for their Sack Summer Hunger program. Registration is open until May 16th. It will offer a week’s worth of breakfast, lunch, and snack for each school-aged kiddo and will be delivered to their homes on Saturdays. There is an attached flyer and a screen shot with information on the program as well as how to apply. The flyer does say that they will need birth certificates or other documents. However, if any of these are a barrier, still encourage the parents to apply. Metrocrest is willing to find a way to work with the families to get them what they need (however, they do have to live in Carrollton to qualify for services)!
May, Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Thank you to all the families who participated in our virtual April Habit Newsletter activity! Don’t forget that if your family participates in ALL 7 Newsletters, you will be showcased in our school as a Lighthouse Family!
- May’s Habit of the Month is Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw! Please click here to view and complete the virtual May Newsletter. It contains information about Habit 7, a read-aloud video, discussion questions to talk about with your child, and a short activity to do at home. Please have this completed by next Wednesday, May 12th.
- We will be tracking grade level participation for completing the virtual newsletter. The grade level with the highest percentage of participation for May will receive a grade level prize! Congratulations to Kindergarten for having the most students/families p
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