About Me

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Carrollton, Texas, United States
Welcome to my blog! My name is Beth Carpenter! I am a 2nd grade teacher at Coyote Ridge Elementary. I majored in Early Childhood Education and have taught for 25 years. I have taught grades K- 3 which gives me a unique ability to know where my second graders fit within those grades. Teaching is more than a profession to me, it is a calling. I love to help light the fire of curiosity to help all my students become lifelong learners!


Morning Meeting 7:45-8:00 8:00-9:30 Math Brain Break 9:30-9:40 Guided Reading 9:40-10:35 Fine Arts 10:35-11:25 Lunch 11:30-12:00 Writer's Workshop 12:00- 1:00 Recess 1:00-1:30 Reading/Social Studies 1:30-2:00 Science 2:00-2:50 Pack/Stack/Dismiss 2:50-3:00

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Week 4

 Dear Parents,

           I am REALLY impressed with your children! They are getting into the routines and building their work stamina! In math this week we have focused on identifying number as tens and ones. We continue to count coins and are working on telling time to the hour. We have been decomposing numbers finding all the combinations of tens and ones that equal a number. Example 46 = 4 tens and 6 ones or 3 tens and 16 ones, or 2 tens and 26 ones, or 1 ten and 36 ones or 46 ones. We have also added number strings on a hundreds chart.

            In writing we are working on designing, writing and illustrating our own book. We are using real authors such as Mo Willems, David Shannon, Steven Kellogg and Lois Ehlert as mentors. We are continuing learning what to do during writing time. This class truly loves to write.

            In reading we focused on story elements and characters as we read Picture Day Perfection. We took a comprehension check as well as filled out a story element chart. Our guided reading groups start next week as we are getting into the routine of what we do independently at this time. Books will start going home in book folders on the days I read with your child. We keep three books at a time so that we can practice rereading these stories until we can read them fluently. These books may be used for their reading log.

            In science we finished up our unit on what scientists do and the tools they use. This unit has been fun as we became scientists and used science tools to make observations of our own.



Coach Ray asks that parents please send students in tennis shoes on PE days and shorts under skirts/dresses.



Parents- We are excited to be kicking off the new school year with Kindness week in LISD, during the week of Aug. 30th. Below is our scheduled spirit days to promote kindness across our campus. We hope you will help to support your child’s participation, during this special kickoff week. Please note: We will have an opportunity for students to order kindness shirts in the near future! Thank you for your support.



*This was sent to me from our school librarian, Mrs. Hernandez: I have only had 6 children fill out this form. If you have not, please do as soon as you can. 


Hello CRE families!  This is Mrs. Hernandez, your school librarian and I wanted to remind you all to please submit the form below.  The form is a Library Book Borrowing Contract that will help the students learn good habits of library books users.  If you have already filled out this form, I thank you and please disregard this message.  Have a great weekend!




Please reach out to me if you have any questions!


Boy Scouts : The Boy Scout rep will be here on Tuesday, August 31st, speaking to the grade levels during their lunch time.  Boy Scout Joining Night will be in the cafeteria on Wednesday, September 1st, from 7-7:30pm.


PE:     PE Website Check here to see our PE Days

Friday, August 20, 2021

Week 3

 Dear Parents,

           This is our second week of school and this week was a FULL week! We worked hard in second grade and are already growing in so many ways. In math this week we began looking at coins. This unit moves quickly to counting coins up to $1.00. Any extra practice reinforcing this important skill is appreciated.  We sort the coins from greatest value to the least value and line them up. Here is an example: Quarter, Quarter, dime, dime, dime, nickel, penny. Under the coins they add up the value increasing one coin at a time. They can use a hundreds chart to add the amounts. This would be written as  25, 50, 60, 70, 80, 85, 86. This group of coins equals 86 cents. We will be practicing at school using simulated plastic coins.

             In writing we are getting used to writing workshop and what is expected of us during this time. Children are learning to flow between topics and are encouraged to visit older writings to add more, revise, edit or even publish them. We found that we could get ideas for writing by looking at books we read and finding the big idea of the books.

              In reading this week we focused on setting as we read the story Clark the Shark. We put the setting on a graphic organizer and took a comprehension test over the story. In social studies we continued adding to our class treatment agreement and finalized it. We made a poster and all signed it! This agreement states how the teacher and students want to be treated by each other. We brainstormed ideas and wrote it as a class.

               In science we sent home our science safety contract for students and parents to sign. When these contracts are all back each child will receive a safety license. I am still missing 2 signed contracts. We also wrote an emergency plan in case of an accident. We role played and put our plan into action. Learning about our science tools led to a matching quiz in which children matched pictures of science tools to their names and how they are used by scientists. It was a fun filled week of learning!

                I was so happy to see that the class worked hard to learn their sight words. Thank you parents for supporting this important skill! Next week, and the rest of the year there will only be one list of words. Thank you for doing both list one and two this week. I also appreciate the hard work filling out the reading logs. Only a few students left theirs at home today. If your child’s did not come back to school today, please send it on Monday. They are filled out Monday- Thursday and return to school on Fridays.

                 I appreciate those of you who attended our virtual second grade parent orientation. If you were unable to attend, the slide show that is linked in the invite e-mail has wonderful information. Please let me know if you have any questions!

  Have a wonderful weekend with your families!

Friday, August 13, 2021

Week 2

 Dear Parents,

           The first three days of school just flew by. We are learning about classroom expectations and finding out all about our classmates. Thank you for helping your child bring their Me Bag today. If your child forgot to bring his/hers, please make sure she/he has it on Monday. We want to find out all about your child. This is a Social Studies grade and we will follow the LISD Policy for late work. After Monday 10 points will be deducted. Thank you in advance for helping your child gather 5 things in a lunch bag ( which was provided) to tell about themselves. I have 4 students that need to bring Me Bags on Monday.

            I was so proud of my class as they are already becoming good listeners and direction followers. I see a lot of budding leaders in our class. It will take a little time for their work stamina to build and for them to learn to get work completed in the time allowed. I am here to help each step of the way. When I see good behaviors we talk about it and the child or children receive a sticker. Once their sticker chart is full they can go to the classroom treasure box. If you would like to donate boy or girl treasure box items it would be greatly appreciated.

             At meet the teacher the PTA had a page on the board asking for a room mother for our class as well as general volunteers. I will have that page in your child’s blue daily folder today. This year only the room mom and 1 helper may come to our Winter Party. 

             The Coyote Folder went home today with the daily folder. Please check both for papers, remove them and send both folders back on Monday. The Coyote Folder will have graded papers and the Second Grade Newsletter in it each week. Flyers from the office will also be placed in these folders to be sent home on Friday as well. 

              Reading logs will begin next Monday. There is a letter explaining them inside the log. They are to be filled out Mon.- Thurs. and returned on Fridays. I will check them and give them right back to your child.

              This week in math I have been giving the beginning of the year assessments, teaching problem solving strategies and morning routines. In Language we set up our writing notebooks, talked about generating ideas, and worked on sounding out words with the CVC Pattern. In reading/social studies we set up our journal, talked about our manners and classroom behaviors as well as how to be a good listener. In science we set up our journal and began Unit 1 Scientists at work. We discussed what we thought a scientist was and then learned everyone can be a scientist! Ask your child how we problem solved with a partner to save Sammy!

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Week 1

 Dear Parents,

      Tomorrow is meet the teacher from 5:00-6:30- I am so looking forward to meeting my 20 new students! The room is ready for the children to explore. When you come tomorrow please bring your child’s supplies. You can Just leave them on your child’s chair, and I’ll put them away before the first day of school. That way you and your son or daughter can just enjoy exploring the room together. There is a manilla folder on your child’s desk full of second grade information as well as a couple of pages you can fill out at home and return. Please take the folder home. I also have a small little gift on their desks as well.

      On Friday afternoon I sent out a quick welcome letter asking parents to respond so that I can update my parent e-mail list if need be. I have only heard from 6 parents as of yet. I also would like to know how your child is getting home from school the first day and the rest of the year. If your child will be riding to a daycare, please send the name of which one. If your child is riding the bus home, please use the bus locater link from my first email to find the bus number. Children get very anxious the first day of school and knowing for sure how they are getting home first thing, helps them relax and enjoy their day. Thank you in advance for getting this information to me.

        On the first day of school your child will be coming to our classroom by themselves. Only Kindergarten and Pre-K parents are being allowed to walk their children to the room. If your child has supplies too heavy to carry, just ask and we will make sure to help! Please send a water bottle and a snack every day. Second graders use the bottle filling station to refill water bottles during the day.

        There will always be a second grade newsletter attached to my weekly emails. A paper copy of this letter will come home on Fridays in your child’s Coyote Folder. Please let me know if I can help you in any way! ðŸ˜Š