Dear Parents,
This week in math we finished up our unit on 3 digit addition and subtraction with regrouping. It’s been a long journey, but the class was successful on the assessment. I am so proud of their hard work!
In reading and writing this week we focused on researching famous Americans and learning how to cite the sources we used. We are using articles, websites, and books. They are learning about how to have the courage to take risks others before you, have not. Leaders live an excellent life! We will continue this research after Spring Break.
In Science, we finished up our unit on plants. We planted grass seeds and watched them grow- or not grow. This was a good lesson in learning the basic needs of plants. The over watered plants did not sprout. The rest of their environment was the same. We learned it also mattered how deep we planted the seeds. Some students had a lot of blades of grass grow- others a blade or two. We are moving on to a new unit on seed dispersal. How do seeds get to where they begin to grow. We will be experimenting with air, water and “animal” dispersal of seeds upon our return from our break. The plant cups will go home today.
A BIG thank you to those of you who braved the weather last night to come to open house. We were showcasing all of our projects from the beginning of the year until now. The halls are completely decorated with amazing work. The student pockets will go home today if you were unable to come. The wonderful work in the hallways will stay up until after parent conferences and then will go home.
Parent conferences are coming. Upon our return to school, a sign up genius link will be sent out. These conferences will only be for before or after school as your child is the one running the conference. I will have some mid-year testing information to share, but our second grade leaders will be presenting their leadership notebooks and talk about their goals and learning experiences in second grade.
I hope you all enjoy a wonderful Spring Break with your families!
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