About Me

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Carrollton, Texas, United States
Welcome to my blog! My name is Beth Carpenter! I am a 2nd grade teacher at Coyote Ridge Elementary. I majored in Early Childhood Education and have taught for 25 years. I have taught grades K- 3 which gives me a unique ability to know where my second graders fit within those grades. Teaching is more than a profession to me, it is a calling. I love to help light the fire of curiosity to help all my students become lifelong learners!


Morning Meeting 7:45-8:00 8:00-9:30 Math Brain Break 9:30-9:40 Guided Reading 9:40-10:35 Fine Arts 10:35-11:25 Lunch 11:30-12:00 Writer's Workshop 12:00- 1:00 Recess 1:00-1:30 Reading/Social Studies 1:30-2:00 Science 2:00-2:50 Pack/Stack/Dismiss 2:50-3:00

Friday, April 26, 2024

Week 33

 Dear Parents,

           This week in math we took our district end of year Math CBA test. It covered the second grade TEKS taught this year. We began our unit on graphing. We are learning to read bar graphs and pictographs. We also are learning to tally answers to generated questions to create our own bar graphs.

          In writing we are continuing to write our class paper on the Great White Shark. They are really enjoying this project and cannot wait to start their individual papers. At the library this week they chose an animal for their individual research paper.

          In reading/social studies we learned all bout Earth Day and worked on several projects. We wrote a promise to the Earth, filled in a small book with blanks and drew illustrations. We also read a Scholastic News about How lollipops are made to go along with our study of producers and consumers.

         In science we have been learning all about animal characteristics such as eye shape and placement, the size of ears and limbs, and body coverings. We are realizing how all these characteristics help the animals survive in their habitats. We did hands on stations in which we listened to each other with two different sizes of ears, we looked through four different eyes, felt and observed body coverings and limbs, made animal tracks in sand and paddled like a duck in a tub of water. We had so much fun learning together!

Friday, April 19, 2024

Week 32

 Dear Parents,

         In math this week we finished up our unit on plane and 3-D shapes. We took our assessments on Thursday. This is a challenging unit as they needed to be able to count sides, edges, vertices, faces and know the names of these shapes. The last question on our assessment combined 2 3_D shapes and asked them to count the edges, vertices, and faces of the new 3-D shape. Getting this answer correct earned them a $10.00 Bonus. Congratulations to Carter and Olivia for getting the answer correct.

         In writing we finished up our procedural writing project, wrote our end of year writing sample to a nonfiction writing prompt, and began our new class project, writing a report about a Great White Shark! We learned they can be more than 20 feet long. When we lined up 20 rulers, they were amazed at the size!

         In reading/Social Studies we learned about the map skill of borders. We looked at the bordering states of Texas. We also read about consumers and producers and their definitions. We made a circle- rama to show what we learned. We learned about facts and opinions and opinions, did a whole class sort and wrote about our favorite facts. We also read the story The Best Habitat for me and filled out a graphic organizer for a grade.

         In science we began our unit on animals by talking about what we thought animals needed and did not need to survive, then put it on a T-chart. We chose an animal name from a bag, drew the animal and discussed how that animal’s physical characteristics help it survive. We looked at the eyes, ears, teeth, and skin examples to talk about these characteristics.

         Have a wonderful Weekend!



Dear parents of PreK – 2nd grade students, 


State testing will begin soon across the district and state.  Our campus will be participating in STAAR testing on the following dates:

 April 24th & 25th  (Science); and May 2nd&3rd  (Mathematics).

This is a state mandated test. Because of the confidentiality and security of testing, please note campus adjustments to support staff and students: 


  • NO VISITORS WILL BE ALLOWED ON CAMPUS ON THESE DATES and this includes no lunch visitors. Please ensure that your child has a proper lunch prior to the day starting to reduce lunch drop-offs. 


Please reach out to your child’s homeroom teacher if you have additional questions. We thank you for your support during this very important state assessment process. 


Mrs. Thompson (Asst. Principal & Testing Coordinator)

Friday, April 12, 2024

Week 31

 Dear Parents, 

      What an exciting day we had on Monday! In second grade we watched the live feed and watched as 3 different cities across America went into totality. When it was in totality here, we went to the door by our room and saw the darkness. We watched as the light of the sun shone again outside, but only saw the eclipse on live feed. It was a day to remember!

        In math we have been learning the names of our 3-D shapes, and  the number of faces, vertices, edges or flat surfaces they each have! We have been using 3-D shapes to help us count those faces, vertices, edges or flat surfaces. We have been comparing those solid figures and looking for real world objects that are those shapes.

        In writing we began our individual procedural papers. We drafted, revised for specific prepositions, edited and took them to final copy.

     In reading/social studies we continued on with our map skills. Knowing our directions on a map is an important skill. In reading we focused on eclipse pages, read a scholastic news on butterflies and took a comprehension check. We also learned more about goods and services and completed a sort. On Friday we read a Scholastic News called April Fools Insects and took another comprehension check.

          Science has been so exciting as well! We have watched our butterfly larvae eat, grow bigger and shed their skins. They are in the pupa stage safe inside their chrysalises, all except one. One caterpillar attached himself to the lid, but then never turned into a chrysalis. This was a good example how nature works. Some insects don’t survive. They are eaten or never go through full metamorphosis. We are watching and waiting for our adult butterflies! In the meantime we are learning vocabulary, watching interesting videos and reading about the stages in the life cycles of butterflies and grasshoppers.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Week 30

 Dear Parents,

         This week in math we have focused on plane shapes. We learned the names of all the polygons from triangles ( three sides, three vertices) to dodecagons (twelve sides, twelve vertices). A polygon is a closed two-D shape made up of an equal number of sides and vertices. It was really difficult to count the sides of a dodecagon, but we did it. Next we will learn how to draw these shapes.

          In writing , we finished up our class project on how to draw a crab and began our individual procedural papers. These will continue into next week. I can’t wait to read all the things my class knows how to do!

          In reading/social studies, we read two different versions of Jack and the Beanstalk. We compared them and took a comprehension check. We read and discussed informational pages on Making Good Choices together as a class. The students added the flip page to their journal to explain what earning, saving, and spending mean. On Friday we read the Scholastic News Article, “Something Big is Coming”. We are all excited about the solar eclipse!

        In Science our butterfly larvae arrived just in time for our new unit, Life Cycles of insects. We will be learning about the different stages in the life cycle of both a butterfly and a grasshopper. We will be watching as our butterfly larvae turn into a pupa and then an adult. This is such an exciting unit for our second graders!