Dear Parents,
Thank you for sending in the decorated pumpkins! Our hallway is decorated with many projects that we have been doing over the past few weeks. We are ready for Fall and the cooler weather with our Fall writing and the pumpkins lining the bulletin board.
Now that we are six weeks into the year I am gradually putting more responsibility on my second graders. They are having classroom jobs, monitoring their own behavior, and working independently to finish their work. This week the reading and math tests were a little harder and a few students needed to retake the test. If a child gets below a 70% on any test (other than spelling) the child is to be retaught and given a chance to retake the test. The second score can be no higher than a 70%. I try to encourage my students to do their very best the first time and recheck their answers so they can get the score I know they are capable of getting.
We have a few important things that went home today in the Coyote Folders. Some parents received an envelope from the office showing you how to go on line to complete important information for our school. There is a fair ticket for each student. I stapled them to our newsletter so that they could not fall out of the folder. There is also a half sheet that has your conference time on it. On Monday I will see De’Andre’s a and Daniel’s parents. The rest of you will get a reminder in the daily folder the night before your conference. I am looking forward to talking to each of you about your child’s progress.
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