Dear Parents,
We had another great week of learning together! We now have 19 children in our class. I am so happy that Fallon has joined our second grade class!
In math this week we have been finding missing addends, using ten frames to solve addition sentences as well as adding and subtracting three numbers using number strings or making it a two step problem! These are hard concepts, but I feel that all of my students are understanding what steps to take to solve these types of problems.
In writing we are learning the steps of the writing process. We have generated lots of entries in our writing notebooks. Now it is time to pick one and take it through the writing process!
In reading we have been doing reading comprehension worksheets, reading a just fit book with a partner and completing a project on the book while I finished up my DRA testing!
In science we have started a new unit called classifying matter. We are describing things by their physical properties. We described a popsicle, a melted popsicle, a frozen gummy worm, a room temperature gummy worm, a blown up balloon and a deflated balloon. We talked about how some properties change when heat is added and how some stay the same.
In social studies we have been learning about our Fifth habit of leader in me. We seek first to understand, then be understood! These habits have really got my students thinking about their choices!
Please make sure your child is practicing his/her spelling words at home as spell checks cannot be retaken if a student fails. We practice our words Monday through Friday at school in many fun ways, but some students have not been ready on Fridays for their test.
- *If you would like to donate an item from our wish list, we could use more indoor recess board games, boy treasure box items, or girl treasure box item. The treasure box has been dipped into a lot with all the good choices being made and red tickets being earned! :) Thank you so much to Dylan and his parents for donating to the treasure box! The children were excited to see the new items.
*Fall pictures went home in your child’s coyote folder today.
* Please turn in the form with your three top choices for conferences. First turned in, first scheduled! :)
Our CRE Fall Festival is coming up on Friday, October 14th! We will be having a silent auction in the CRE library. We need your help to make baskets for our auction. Each grade level will be submitting 2 or 3 themed baskets to auction off. We will be sending home
more information on Monday for your classroom basket. We appreciate all of your help and support!