Dear Parents,
Although this was a short week, we got a lot accomplished! In Math we continued learning about multiplication and division problems. We talk about them as equal groups of items. We show that multiplication can be thought of as repeated addition and division can be thought of as repeated subtraction. Writing their own story problems is a challenge!In Language we collected a science writing and created a kite glyph. These kites are hanging in our classroom for you to see next Thursday at open house! In reading we focused on visualizing, or making a movie in our brain as we read a story or poem. A project that shows some of our visualizing will also be hanging in the hallway. In science we continued to study the sky and talk about the phases of the moon and the location of the sun in our sky during the day. In social studies we chose an African American to research for Black History Month. We created pyramids that will be on our desks for open house that shows the major contributions these people made to our country.
- Please send back the LISDOLA Field Trip Permission Form
- Please send back the spring conference preference form so that I may begin scheduling conferences
- Please send in items for the Big Event (see attached Flyer)