Dear Parents,
This week in math we practiced all the skills we learned this year. The practice packet went home on Wednesday night and we took our district Math CBA on Thursday. We had a few problems that some students had to finish today. Next week we will be working on more fun math challenges to Unlock Summer!
In language we focused on prepositions and began filling out our second Grade Memory Book. If these don’t get finished, I hope that they work on them over the summer. They will be great keepsakes! Their Animal reports went home today in your child’s Coyote Folder. Let your child share what a wonderful job they did on this research paper. Poetry books will go home next Tuesday. I wanted to have time for all the children to share their favorite poem with the class. I hope these treasures get placed in their second grade pockets. So much hard work went into both of them.
We have been finishing up our economics unit in social studies. We all loved using our earned funds to buy snacks and a movie ticket. A lot of valuable lessons have been learned along the way. Hard work paid off. We also learned that being responsible was important. If a time card got misplaced, we lost our wages. Luckily we have some sweet friends who felt that sharing their cash would help even things out. I think everyone had a lot to buy. I actually convinced them to take things home so no one has a tummy ache. Thank you for all the generous donations that made this day special!
In science we have been watching videos, Brainpop Jr. movies, and doing our talk read, talk, write lessons about how the environment effects both plants and animals.
*Have your children bring their yearbooks on Monday. We meet in the gym for their enrichment time for yearbook signing. We will have autograph books printed and writing utensils for anyone who doesn’t have them.
* I will be sending home some summer skill packets to help you keep your child on track. Lots of reading is a must too! Look for these in your child’s folder next week. 😊
I really can’t believe this year is almost over! This has been an amazing group of students!
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