Dear Parents,
This week began our second nine weeks. In math we made the transitioned from using manipulatives to add (a two digit number to a one digit number) to writing the problem in boxes that were provided. We added the ones first and learned how to regroup then add the tens. Thank you for checking your child’s math homework to see his/her progress with this new skill.
In writing we finished up our personal narratives, and took them through the writing process and are publishing them now. Next week we will begin writing imaginative stories that will have a beginning, middle, and end.
In reading we learned that writers organize their stories to serve a purpose. We read an interesting story about a baker who may have helped us win the Revolutionary War. Yes, everyone can make a difference. We also learned how to read a story, synthesize the information, and come up with a big picture after thinking about all the important details. We think as we read!
In science we continued on with our unit on combining matter. We worked with partners to choose materials to make a plan for a bird house. We considered the properties of the chosen materials to explain why they would be a good choice. The students had the option of using Draw and Tell or ChatterKid to explain how they planned their birdhouses and justified their choices. We took our assessment on Thursday.
*Lunch for the next week will be 11:45- 12:15. ( or as soon as we get back from the Aquatic Center.)
* Please send your $3.00 donation for our class basket for the Fall Festival Auction. I have only had 9 donations so far. The second grade teachers are also auctioning a gift of time at the silent auction. We will have an ice cream sundae party and watch a movie after school one day soon. You child gets to choose a friend to attend the party with them.
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