Dear Parents,
This week we began fractions in math. Fractions are EQUAL parts of a whole. We are looking at shapes cut into halves, fourths, and eighths. Our chant is: “ The bottom number tells the parts, The top number tells the shaded!” Because the children feel it is easy, sometimes they write the wrong words. We are working on slowing down to check our work. In reading and writing we continued on with our research with partners. We researched using two more resources. We decided what information was new and important to our topic. The children were happy to choose their topic given three choices. We have been researching how technology has changed communication, transportation and recreation over time. In science we began learning about the basic needs of plants. We are learning about the parts of plants and what jobs those parts have to help the plant survive. We are conducting investigations and observing the outcomes.
Here are some updates from Mrs. Hernandez, our librarian:
*Spring time is yearbook time! CRE families you still have time to pre-order the CRE 2020-2021 Yearbook! Do you want to learn more about our fabulous Teacher of the Year? Or see all the ways that we made school fun and meaningful? Purchase the yearbook and remember this very unique school year! The yearbook is $25 with an option to personalize it with your child’s name for an additional $5! Visit our site today: or scan the QR code!
*Hello CRE Families! Our Spring Virtual Book Fair will begin on Monday! That’s right, you can purchase books online using the link below and have them delivered to your doorstep! This is a great opportunity to add to your summer reading home library! You will also be supporting our school library because for every dollar you spend we get 25% in Scholastic Dollars! The Virtual Book Fair will be open March 29 – April 11! Visit us here: I thank you in advance for your support!