Dear Parents,
In math we have been reading graphs, both bar and pictographs. We have been interpreting the information and generating our own questions. In math today we were able to begin an individual graphing projects.
In language we have continued working on our group research project about the Great White Shark. We will finish this up by Monday and begin researching our individually chosen animals.
In reading/ social studies we labeled map of North America, Red an article about a Red Panda all while looking for the main idea of the article and the supporting details. We read two scholastic News articles and practiced going back to the text to find the answers to the comprehension questions.
Science was REALLY exciting this week as our butterflies came out of their chrysalis. One actually came out right before our eyes! We finished up unit 13 and took our assessment on Friday.
- Please take note of an important project coming home. Your child chose an animal that they would like to research at home and at school. At school they will be writing an animal report. At home you will help your child make a diorama out of a shoebox. The habitat should include all the things the chosen animal needs to survive, water, air, food sources, etc. I will attach two photos above of past submissions. If you need supplies like colored paper, let me know and I can send it home. If your child needs any colored pictures printed , I can also do that here. I do have a few shoeboxes up for grabs if you do not have one at home. Full directions went home today in your child’s coyote folder.
* From our guidance Counselor Mrs. Moore:
- S’more for May.
*From Our wonderful librarian, Mrs. Hernandez:
Hello CRE families! I wanted to update you all on some dates that are coming up regarding the library. Next week is the last week for students to check out books. Books will be due back in the library by Friday, May 13th. This will allow me to shelve all the books and then be able to take inventory of any missing book. I will be sending letters home informing you of any overdue or missing book before the end of the school year. However, you can visit this link to see what your child has checked out.
If you have any questions please reach out to me via email at Have a wonderful weekend!
*Back to School Supply Backpack and Supply Registration
Should your child need assistance with school supplies and a backpack, please complete the form below. The supplies will be available and distributed at the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year. The deadline for registering for this service is June 24th or while supplies last, whichever comes first.