About Me

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Carrollton, Texas, United States
Welcome to my blog! My name is Beth Carpenter! I am a 2nd grade teacher at Coyote Ridge Elementary. I majored in Early Childhood Education and have taught for 25 years. I have taught grades K- 3 which gives me a unique ability to know where my second graders fit within those grades. Teaching is more than a profession to me, it is a calling. I love to help light the fire of curiosity to help all my students become lifelong learners!


Morning Meeting 7:45-8:00 8:00-9:30 Math Brain Break 9:30-9:40 Guided Reading 9:40-10:35 Fine Arts 10:35-11:25 Lunch 11:30-12:00 Writer's Workshop 12:00- 1:00 Recess 1:00-1:30 Reading/Social Studies 1:30-2:00 Science 2:00-2:50 Pack/Stack/Dismiss 2:50-3:00

Friday, September 30, 2022

Week 9

 Dear Parents,

        We took our math assessment over two digit addition with and without regrouping. The children have this skill learned, but now we have started two digit subtraction with and without regrouping. This becomes very confusing for them. A homework page came home tonight. Only about 2/3 of my class feels confident about doing this new skill. Please help your child work on subtracting  as well as adding. It is important that they are clear on how to do the steps of each kind of problem.

          I graded their first narrative writing and was so pleased with how far they all have come in their writing skills. We are now working on a narrative about our first day of school. I love reading all about their feelings and what they remember about our first day together. We are taking these to final copy as well.

          In social studies we learned all about Johnny Appleseed. We had an apple party in his honor. The children tried freeze dried apples, apple sauce, apple juice, and pieces of all f our favorite kinds of apples (with a little caramel dipping sauce, of course!) They had so much fun learning about this good citizen and tasting apples.

           In reading we read the story, The Great Fuzz Frenzy and took a comprehension test. We also learned about American Heritage Day and created a color poem.

            In science we began our new unit on energy. We are investigating through stations with sound energy. We are still testing our boats. This class is full of top notch engineers as their boats do not sink! Right now Angelina is winning. Her boat held 221 pennies!



Here are some important things coming up:


*1. It is time to have our Fall Conferences. They begin next week. Use this link to find a time that we can meet either by phone or in person. In person is best, as I have many beginning of year testing documents  to share with you, but understand if you need a phone conference instead. Looking forward to talking to all of you about your hard working second graders! Thank you to those of you who have already signed up!





*2.It’s time for the 21-Day Challenge sign up!  Please note: For legality reasons parents must sign their students up.  Students are not permitted to sign up alone. For more information, please see the attached flyer.



*3. Monday, October 3rd is the first General PTA Meeting - please attend - free pizza! Yum!!  


*4.Counselor’s Corner:  Mrs. Moore’s October Newsletter ( See Attached Flyer about the Whole Child Series):




*5. Dear Parents,


Field Day at our school will be Thursday, October 6, 2022.  Please sign in at the front office to watch your child participate.  Please make sure you bring your Driver’s License/photo ID with you to the office the day of field day.  

If the weather is hot, please apply sunscreen BEFORE sending your child to school (teachers will not apply sunscreen for their students).  Likewise, if the weather is chilly, please send a light jacket with your child.  Please send a water bottle labeled with your child’s name.  Your child’s teacher has indicated below the color your child is asked to wear on Field Day.  These will be their fun teams for all field day activities.


RED                             GREEN                       YELLOW                   BLUE

 Hansvi                        Jaicee                        Jordan                       Kobe

 Samad                         Ava                            Angelina                   Jaden

Ana                               Uriah                          Martin                      Prithak

Isobel                           Yohan                         Violet                        Donovan

 Bryce                           Hannah                       Zackary                     Itiya

                                                                              Ian                            Lilly




Field Day Schedule

9:30 - 11:30                               Field Day (First Session)

Grades 3rd, 4th & 5th Grades


12:30 – 2:30                              Field Day (Second Session)

Grades Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grades


**Pre-K teachers will communicate to Pre-K parents details about their field day!




I’m looking forward to a fun-filled and active day!

Coach Ray

Friday, September 23, 2022

Week 8

 Dear Parents, 

          We are doing a great job of learning how to add two digit numbers with and without regrouping. Please continue to support this difficult skill at home. I want this to become ingrained in their memory as it becomes confusing when we start subtracting with regrouping.

            In writing we are finishing up a final copy of our personal narrative and beginning another one by mapping our writing before we draft on a graphic organizer. We are thinking through our account of our first day of school in a beginning, middle, and end format. We are practicing writing good opening and closing sentences. I was so excited about their creativity as they began drafting their beginnings.

              In reading we learned all about Freedom Week and Constitution Day.  We signed our own classroom constitution, learned about the history of our flag and researched 4 American Symbols.

             In science we took our unit assessment and ended the unit by changing and combining matter to build a boat. The goal was to be able to hold up 10 pennies without sinking. So far Donovan’s boat is in the lead as it took 198 pennies to sink his boat. More boats will be tested on Monday.



* Pumpkin Projects, Fair Tickets, and Progress Reports came home today.


*Here are the links to the Enrichment Calendar. Here you can view when we have PE, so that your child has on gym shoes:


September 2022


October 2022



*Hello CRE families!  Thank you for making our Fall Book Fair a huge success!  It was a fun week filled with books, smiles and more books!  I loved seeing all the students' excitement as they walked into the library to see it transformed into the Book Fair!  In the words of one of our littles, "it was magical!"


Thank you to our wonderful volunteers for all of their hard work and commitment!  I would also like to thank all of the families who were gracious enough to make book donations to our teachers.  The teachers were so happy to receive the books and I was so happy to see their smiling faces!  Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


There is still time to shop our online Book Fair!  If you are interested, please visit the link below.  The store will close Friday, September 23 at midnight.


CRE online Book Fair:  https://bit.ly/CREbookfair


Sunday, September 18, 2022

Week 7

 Dear Parents,

        In Math this week we took our Topic 1 Assessment. Your children did a great job! On Tuesday we began adding two digit numbers by adding the tens and ones mentally. It really helped to put T for tens and O for ones over the digits we were adding. At first the ones were added to equal one digit numbers. Later in the week we were adding two digit numbers with regrouping of our ones. We used ten frame boxes as well as unifix cubes to see what actually happens when we regroup. In the ten frames we would build our two numbers and move our counters to make a ten. It is really easy to add ten to a number, just ask your child. We also worked some problems vertically. We did a few at a time with me running to check to make sure every child could get the right answer independently. They did a great job! I was so proud of all of their effort.

          In writing we are working on two pieces. We are finishing up our books using a real author as a mentor and we began writing a narrative about recess. We will take the narrative through the writing process.

          In Reading we connected to kindness week with our stories. First we read Being a Good Citizen. We created a class circle map of what makes us a good citizen. Then Lilly became our first Leader of the week. She shared her poster, then we discussed what makes Lilly a good citizen. I am looking for next week’s leader, but four children still need to turn in their posters. We watched a video called “ Get Involved” and talked about how we can get involved in our school and community. We read a scholastic News article called “We Are Good Citizens” and discussed the right choices children could make using 4 different scenarios. We Read 10 Black Dots and The Dot on International Dot Day. We then created pictures using 10 Dots. It was wonderful to watch a video of Peter H. Reynolds drawing and painting a picture with dots. Last, we watched a video “All About Elephants” and worked on a Building Community page as a class. 


         In Science we had many chances to watch matter change. We had a challenge to choose materials to keep an ice cube from melting. We timed how long it took each cube to melt. We were surprised that an ice cube surrounded by cloth in a plastic cup beat the thermal cup. We also put a gobstopper in a cup of water and timed four different observations. Both the water and the gobstopper looked different every time. We watched videos and wrote down information we learned on a graphic organizer. We finished the week with a talk read, talk write activity.



*Field Day Volunteers here is the link to sign up: Field Day Volunteers - Voly.org


* Look in Friday folders for the district reading assessment letter, istation and individual pictures



Friday, September 9, 2022

Week 6

 Dear Parents,

              I hope you all had a wonderful weekend with your fmilies and enjoyed the extra day together. We got the week started on Tuesday by representing and solving addition/subtraction problems (daily intentional problem solving) and are learning to solve problems in many ways. We also began looking at addition problems as doubles/near doubles. We found out that if we know the answer to a doubles fact, we can quickly add the answer to a near doubles problem.We learned that it does not matter what order the addends are in. We can switch the numbers around and we still have the same answer. We then learned to add three numbers together by adding the first two to get an answer, then adding the third number to that answer. We learned how to quickly add ten to any number 0-9. Just ask your child! On Friday we reviewed Topic 1 and we will take the assessment on Monday!

                In writing we continued learning more about the tools/charts that can help us read and write. We are getting good at using a dictionary, alphabet chart, consonant cluster chart, and using writing tools that are available in the room. On Thursday and Friday we focsed on our upcoming holiday- Patriots Day. We wrote an acrostic poem about peace.

                 We began our guided reading groups this week! We also began reserching using the website facts4me. E were researching interesting facts about Texas. We completed a book for a social studies grade. We also read the story It’s Only Stanley. We talked about the setting and how it influenced the story line. We made a prediction how we thought the story would end.

                  In science we finished our first unit on the properties of matter and took our assessment. Having to prove our scientific thinking was difficult at first, but all in all we did a good job! We began our second unit called Changing and Combining Matter by predicting what would happen to a marshmallow when we added heat. Boy, were they surprised! We cannot wait to observe many other changes made to matter in this unit.


*A Note From Mrs. Hernandez, our Librarian:


Hello CRE Families!


Please save the date for our upcoming Book Fair!  The Book Fair will run in the library September 13-23!  We are in need of volunteers!  If you are interested please visit the Voly link below to register:




All volunteers will receive a $5 voucher to spend a the Book Fair!


You can also check out our Fair Website here to learn more about it!




We can’t wait to see you at the Fair!


Mrs. Hernandez



Friday, September 2, 2022

Week 5

 Dear Parents,

         Weve had another great week of learning together! I have been busy assessing your children so that I know just what to do to help them grow in all subject areas. These assessments will be shared at our fall conferences. With 22 students, it has taken me a bit longer this year. Guided reading time has been taken up with pulling students one by one to test them . I was planning on starting this week, but next week will begin our small, guided reading groups. 

           In math we have been working on finding numbers on both closed and open number lines. We have ordered, compared, composed and decomposed two digit numbers. We took our unit assessment on Thursday.

            In writing we have been using authors as mentors and been working on our own books. We are learning that we can be really creative writers and illustrators. We are using our spelling dictionaries and being fearless spellers! I cant wait to read their first books!

             In reading we have read a story about matter which connected to science and filled out a booklet with the information we learned about matter. We read Picture Day Perfection and created mental pictures of the main character as he went through his day. We took our assessment on Thursday.

              In science we have been on several matter hunts as we observed the properties of solids and liquids in our room. We had hands on experience as we classified matter by their properties. We saw two short films on Discovery Education called “What is Matter?”  and “Observing Matter”. 



*Here is an ESL brochure from Ms. Olivera: ESL brochure 



*Here is the monthly S’more from Mrs. Moore, our counselor:




*See the attached information on our upcoming kindness week. During this event we will have a grade level challenge of participation. More information to come soon!