Dear Parents,
We took our math assessment over two digit addition with and without regrouping. The children have this skill learned, but now we have started two digit subtraction with and without regrouping. This becomes very confusing for them. A homework page came home tonight. Only about 2/3 of my class feels confident about doing this new skill. Please help your child work on subtracting as well as adding. It is important that they are clear on how to do the steps of each kind of problem.
I graded their first narrative writing and was so pleased with how far they all have come in their writing skills. We are now working on a narrative about our first day of school. I love reading all about their feelings and what they remember about our first day together. We are taking these to final copy as well.
In social studies we learned all about Johnny Appleseed. We had an apple party in his honor. The children tried freeze dried apples, apple sauce, apple juice, and pieces of all f our favorite kinds of apples (with a little caramel dipping sauce, of course!) They had so much fun learning about this good citizen and tasting apples.
In reading we read the story, The Great Fuzz Frenzy and took a comprehension test. We also learned about American Heritage Day and created a color poem.
In science we began our new unit on energy. We are investigating through stations with sound energy. We are still testing our boats. This class is full of top notch engineers as their boats do not sink! Right now Angelina is winning. Her boat held 221 pennies!
Here are some important things coming up:
*1. It is time to have our Fall Conferences. They begin next week. Use this link to find a time that we can meet either by phone or in person. In person is best, as I have many beginning of year testing documents to share with you, but understand if you need a phone conference instead. Looking forward to talking to all of you about your hard working second graders! Thank you to those of you who have already signed up!
*2.It’s time for the 21-Day Challenge sign up! Please note: For legality reasons parents must sign their students up. Students are not permitted to sign up alone. For more information, please see the attached flyer.
*3. Monday, October 3rd is the first General PTA Meeting - please attend - free pizza! Yum!!
*4.Counselor’s Corner: Mrs. Moore’s October Newsletter ( See Attached Flyer about the Whole Child Series):
*5. Dear Parents,
Field Day at our school will be Thursday, October 6, 2022. Please sign in at the front office to watch your child participate. Please make sure you bring your Driver’s License/photo ID with you to the office the day of field day.
If the weather is hot, please apply sunscreen BEFORE sending your child to school (teachers will not apply sunscreen for their students). Likewise, if the weather is chilly, please send a light jacket with your child. Please send a water bottle labeled with your child’s name. Your child’s teacher has indicated below the color your child is asked to wear on Field Day. These will be their fun teams for all field day activities.
Hansvi Jaicee Jordan Kobe
Samad Ava Angelina Jaden
Ana Uriah Martin Prithak
Isobel Yohan Violet Donovan
Bryce Hannah Zackary Itiya
Ian Lilly
Field Day Schedule
9:30 - 11:30 Field Day (First Session)
Grades 3rd, 4th & 5th Grades
12:30 – 2:30 Field Day (Second Session)
Grades Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grades
**Pre-K teachers will communicate to Pre-K parents details about their field day!
I’m looking forward to a fun-filled and active day!
Coach Ray