Dear Parents,
In math this week we started our unit on measuring. We started with estimating paperclips, then inches, feet and yards. Next we learned the metric unit of centimeters. We had fun having a scavenger hunt to find objects about one inch, one foot, one yard, and one centimeter.
In writing we started our imaginative stories. We each chose an interesting character and setting. Then we mapped out our beginning, middle, and end. Then we began writing our rough draft making sure we described our character, and setting. In our middle we needed a problem, then our ending had a solution.
In reading we read a Scholastic News article about what to do with those mushy pumpkins we may have after Halloween. We learned about composting, what to put in a compost bin, and how to turn it over to help the material break down. They were amazed that using this new soil puts nutrients back into the garden to help our flowers and plants grow. We then started learning about fictional stories like folktales and fairytales. Friday was spider Day as we read the story Diary of a Spider. We created a spider cinquain poem.
In science we finished our unit on sound by using our EDP process to solve a problem. Children were put in 7 groups, given the problem and a list of possible materials. As a group they decided what materials to “buy” to create an invention to solve the problem. Later in the week we began our unit on force and motion. We observed the effect of magnets on iron filings. We used magnets to “dig” for buried treasure in sand. This activity helped us sort materials into magnetic and nonmagnetic materials.
- You can check the above Specials Calendar for our PE days to wear Tennis Shoes
- If you have a special Veteran who would like to attend and be honored on Veterans Day- Please see the above Flyer as to how to RSVP.
- Fall Picture Make up Day is Nov. 2nd
- Please donate to our food drive! So far this week our class collected 3 cans of food.
*Fall Festival: Thank you families for all your support with our fantastic Fall Festival last Friday. We loved seeing so many families here! The Gift of Time with teachers bidding is still OPEN until Sunday, October 30th. Please support our school and let your child spend some extra fun time with a teacher! See the link to bid on Gifts of Time: Gifts Of Time Bidding - Open through 10/30/2022