Dear Parents,
This week in math we looked at fractional parts of more than one whole. We reviewed all the skills we learned while talking about fractions and practiced them together. On Thursday we took our fraction assessment.
In writing and reading/social studies. we continued our focus on researching things from our past and compare them to now. This week we researched toys and games as well as transportation. The students were amazed at the changes that were made over time. At the end of the week we began our procedural writing unit. We will begin working on a whole group project and then the students will choose an individual procedure to write out in steps, include important details, and illustrations.
In science we continued our observations as our plants grew, played a plants and parts game with our table groups, represented the parts of a plant in an art project, and participated in a talk/read/talk/write activity.
The children are getting excited about their upcoming student led conference. We practiced the steps on how to lead the conference and documented them to help us during the conference.
*A Field Trip letter and form are coming home in your child’s Coyote Folder today. We will be going to the Perot Museum on Monday, May 8th. I will be allowed to take 5 chaperones to the museum. The chaperones will come at 8:40 to collect their groups lunches in our classroom. Each chaperone will have 3-4 children. Please bring a bag large enough to hold the lunches. Chaperones will follow the buses to the museum. The cost of the student is $12.00, a chaperone is $8.00. Please check in advance to see if your background check is still in date. That information can be found in Voly. The first 5 parents to turn in their child’s form, $20.00, and has a background check that is complete, will be our chaperones for the day. Those 5 parents will receive a second e-mail with a link to Voly to my class to sign up. If you sent money to be a chaperone, and you were not one of the first 5, your money will be returned. We leave the school at 9:00 and return to school by 2:30. We are so excited to go to the Perot Museum!
* It is time for your child to take the lead and run his/her own Spring Conference. In this conference your child will share his/her Leadership Binder, talk about The Seven Habits that we’ve learned in the Leader In Me Program, discuss his/her year’s growth in istation and tell you about his/her biggest challenges and successes this year. Please click on the link below to sign up for a time before or after school. Your child should be with you at the conference. I am looking forward to seeing my leaders take charge!
- If you do not wish to have a student led conference, please e-mail me to let me know and I will send home a conference information sheet for you to sign.
- PLEASE sign up or e-mail me that you do not wish to participate by Sunday, April 2nd