About Me

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Carrollton, Texas, United States
Welcome to my blog! My name is Beth Carpenter! I am a 2nd grade teacher at Coyote Ridge Elementary. I majored in Early Childhood Education and have taught for 25 years. I have taught grades K- 3 which gives me a unique ability to know where my second graders fit within those grades. Teaching is more than a profession to me, it is a calling. I love to help light the fire of curiosity to help all my students become lifelong learners!


Morning Meeting 7:45-8:00 8:00-9:30 Math Brain Break 9:30-9:40 Guided Reading 9:40-10:35 Fine Arts 10:35-11:25 Lunch 11:30-12:00 Writer's Workshop 12:00- 1:00 Recess 1:00-1:30 Reading/Social Studies 1:30-2:00 Science 2:00-2:50 Pack/Stack/Dismiss 2:50-3:00

Friday, March 31, 2023

Week 30

 Dear Parents,

      This week in math we looked at fractional parts of more than one whole. We reviewed all the skills we learned while talking about fractions and practiced them together. On Thursday we took our fraction assessment.

       In writing and reading/social studies. we continued our focus on researching things from our past and compare them to now. This week we researched toys and games as well as transportation. The students were amazed at the changes that were made over time. At the end of the week we began our procedural writing unit. We will begin working on a whole group project and then the students will choose an individual procedure to write out in steps, include important details, and illustrations.

       In science we continued our observations as our plants grew, played a plants and parts game with our table groups, represented the parts of a plant in an art project, and participated in a talk/read/talk/write activity.

        The children are getting excited about their upcoming student led conference. We practiced the steps on how to lead the conference and documented them to help us during the conference.


      *A Field Trip letter and form are coming home in your child’s Coyote Folder today. We will be going to the Perot Museum on Monday, May 8th. I will be allowed to take 5 chaperones to the museum. The chaperones will come at 8:40 to collect their groups lunches in our classroom. Each chaperone will have 3-4 children. Please bring a bag large enough to hold the lunches. Chaperones will follow the buses to the museum. The cost of the student is $12.00, a chaperone is $8.00. Please check in advance to see if your background check is still in date. That information can be found in Voly. The first 5 parents to turn in their child’s form, $20.00, and has a background check that is complete, will be our chaperones for the day. Those 5 parents will receive a second e-mail with a link to Voly to my class to sign up. If you sent money to be a chaperone, and you were not one of the first 5, your money will be returned. We leave the school at 9:00 and return to school by 2:30. We are so excited to go to the Perot Museum!



     * It is time for your child to take the lead and run his/her own Spring Conference. In this conference your child will share his/her Leadership Binder, talk about The Seven Habits that we’ve learned in the Leader In Me Program, discuss his/her year’s growth in istation and tell you about his/her biggest challenges and successes this year. Please click on the link below to sign up for a time before or after school. Your child should be with you at the conference. I am looking forward to seeing my leaders take charge!


  • If you do not wish to have a student led conference, please e-mail me to let me know and I will send home a conference information sheet for you to sign.
  • PLEASE sign up or e-mail me that you do not wish to participate by Sunday, April 2nd







Friday, March 24, 2023

Week 29

Dear Parents,

     This week in math our focus was on fractions. We are learning about halves, fourths, and eighths. We learned that there must be equal parts of a whole to have a fraction of a shape. We learned how to divide shapes into halves, fourths, and eighths. We talked about one part of a shape, then more parts of the shape and how to write those fractions. We learned what a fraction looks like if it is equal to the whole shape. We used  an app on our ipads to make shapes and divide them into equal parts, then show the fraction for our shaded part. We then took pictures of our fractions and made a pic collage showing them.

     In writing we finished up our Helen Keller nonfiction papers and began a combined research unit about technology now and then. It is fun learning about how we did things in the past and compare them to how we do them now.

      In reading we read a book about the First day of Spring and wrote a poem about saying goodbye to Winter things and welcoming Spring things.

      In Science we began our unit on the physical characteristics of plants. We planted some seeds, observed the parts of plants, and  discussed their basic needs. We did a Talk, Read, Talk, Write activity where we learned more about the basic needs of plants. We began an experiment of putting celery in colored water and made predictions about how we think that will affect the celery.


  • A conference sign up Genius will be sent home on Monday. Spring Conferences are student led. Your child needs to attend the conference with you. Students will be discussing their leadership binder. They will discuss their  achievements and their goals this year. If you choose NOT to have a conference, please let me know as well, and I will send home a form for you to sign.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Week 28

 Dear Parents,

       We had a great week of learning! In math we finished up our unit on three digit addition and subtraction with and without regrouping. We took our assessment on Wednesday and Thursday. 

        In writing we continued writing our rough draft about Helen Keller and revised using our transition words. We will work on publishing after Spring Break.

        In reading we read other biographies and used graphic organizers to think about the information. We learned that a biography tells important information and usually puts it in a timeline order.

        In social studies we continued using our compass rose to answer questions about maps while using the map keys.

        In science we finished our unit about weather! We looked at our data and looked for patterns. We discovered that on warm days the wind came from the south or southwest. We learned on cooler days the wind came from the north or northeast. Most cool days were cloudy, but not all. We may have some budding meteorologists in our room!

         Thank you to all of you who popped in last night for open house. Your children were so excited to show you all the hard work we’ve done this year! If you could not make it and your child was here today, their pocket of work is coming home with them.

           I hope you all have a wonderful spring break with your families!

Friday, March 3, 2023

Week 27

 Dear Parents,

        We had a great week at swim class. The students learned so much about swim safety and had loads of fun while doing it. Thank you to the parents who came on Parents Day- your children were so excited you were there. Thank you to all of you for having your child ready each day for this important program! Your effort is much appreciated and helps things run smoothly.

         In math we continued working on three digit addition and subtracting with regrouping. We also learned to write word problems when given a number sentence or a strip diagram.

         In writing we continued our research paper by writing descriptive sentences using our research notes on sticky notes. We can’t wait to start writing our final copy next week!

         In Science we continued learning about weather as we checked our second grade weather station each day. We finished up our season box and discussed clothes, activities and transportation during those different seasons. Thursday gave us a lot to think about when it comes to weather. We saw first hand what happens when a warm front and a cold front collide! Our wind sock blew away in the storm!


  • In your child’s Friday Folder is the March Habit Newsletter. Attached to the newsletter is an activity that corresponds with the monthly habit of March, Habit 6: Synergize. There is also a QR code that you can scan and listen to a story with your child and ask discussion questions given from the newsletter. Please assist your child in completing the activity and sign/return the activity sheet to their homeroom teacher by Wednesday, March 8th
  • March 8th is also Synergize Day! We want to see the entire school wear ORANGE for Habit 6 on Wednesday!
  • We will be tracking grade level participation for returning the activity sheet. The grade level with the highest percentage of participation for March will receive a grade level choice reward! Awesome job to 2nd grade for having the most family participation in the month of February! 


Hello CRE families!  The 2022-2023 CRE Yearbook is now available for pre-order.  You can place your order for $25!  Yearbooks will be distributed in May!  Some Yearbooks may be available for sale once they are all distributed.  It will be on a first come first served basis.


Visit our site to place your order:  



Have a great Weekend!


Your Yearbook Advisors,


Mrs. Clements and Mrs. Hernandez