Dear Parents,
In math this week we forged ahead with our three digit subtraction problems with and without regrouping! We did a wonderful job of earning sparkly stars for our charts. Many children went to treasure box this week and are already filling up their charts again! If you would like to donate treasure box items, it would be appreciated. His group have shown their leadership and have each gone 5 times so far this year. On Thursday we had some fun Valentines Day math that include3d Smarties!
In writing we finished up our unit on Poetry. We visualized and drew pictures of the movie in our minds as we listened to poetry. We each wrote 2-5 poems for our poetry book! We began our next unit on research. We are researching Ben Franklin and learning about Biographies. We are learning to discern what information is important in the lives of the people we are researching. We are learning to put the information in our own words in note form. Later we will learn how to put that information into interesting sentences.
In reading we also learned about biographies and important traits of famous individuals. We learned we all have hurdles to overcome and all have a story. We read a Scholastic News story about Presidents Day so we understand why we have Monday off as a holiday. We answered comprehension questions for a grade. For Social Studies we focused on landforms and took two days to make a landform book.
In science we set up our new unit-Using Tools to Observe the Sun and Moon. We had a demonstration about how we see the moon from Earth using a Flashlight, a globe and a ping pong ball. We realized that the sun gives off light and heat, but the moon just reflects the light of the sun. We wrote a reflection about what we learned and drew a diagram.
A very important second grade project t is going home today in your child’s Coyote Folder. It is the Timeline Project. These projects will be up during open house for all to see! They turn out just darling. There is an instruction page, Two sentence strips that you tape together to make a long timeline. There are 10 index cards. One for the Title and one for each year of your child’s life. You start with the year they were born and make a card for every year until 2025.The index cards go on the long strip with one complete sentence on each card. This will be a grade so please have them check their spelling and start with a capital, ending with a period. Went to Sea World. (is not a sentence) I went to see world is! They are usually good if they start with I. They can tape a a picture they draw, a photograph or a printed photo to represent each year. If you have any questions please e-mail me and I can help.
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