Dear Parents,
This week in math we focused on solving word problems by representing them several ways. These problems were both three- digit addition and subtraction. Some had a beginning, middle end. Some needed to be understood by putting numbers on a number line or in a strip diagram. We worked through our thinking and our problems together. These pages will come home today in your child’s Coyote Folder.
In writing we finished up our note taking by looking at three sources about Helen Keller. We then began as a class to put those notes into complete sentences in a time line order. Then table groups worked together to write the second half of their biography together. You will see their final copy at Open House next Thursday. They have been very interested in learning about this amazing famous American! On Friday we learned about adverbs.
In social studies/ reading, we continued learning about how to read maps and map keys. Our reading story was about Helen Keller. We read the story and took a comprehension check all by ourselves. They all worked hard and did their best!
In science we continued learning about using tools to observe the sun and the moon. We were able to use binoculars to see what the differences we could see between the naked eye and the binoculars. We recorded our observations in our science notebooks. On Friday we created a ChatterPix on our ipads to explain what we learned.
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