Dear Parents,
It has been a fast week! The weather did not cooperate with school this week. The children were disappointed about the rescheduled field trip, however it will be much more enjoyable in the warm month of May! It is rescheduled for May 14th. We worked on a research pyramid in social studies this week. We began our unit on money and started counting groups of coins. We enjoyed our reading story of focused and worked on recognizing the story elements. The language focus has been the to be verbs as well as irregular verbs. We are beginning our science unit of objects in the sky.
- Time line projects are due on Monday! We will also present and enter grades that day. Please make sure your child brings theirs!
- We are preparing a lot of work for open house! Your child will show you a computer project he/she has been working on in computer lab as well as well as a portfolio we have been saving work for from the beginning of the year. I hope to see you there!