Dear Parents,
We had another great week of learning! We have been continuing our data collection of the weather. Next week we will be graphing our results. We actually got 1 inch of rain this week! Our weather went from warm to chilly, then back to warm. The children have really been enjoying this unit!
In math we finished up our multiplication and division unit and took our assessment. This was a very hard unit for some students. I will be pulling them for small group reteaching.
In Language we are finishing up the many types of verbs and beginning to look at adjectives. We enjoyed our story this week and were lucky enough to have Mrs. Jacobsen read Mr. Tannen’s Tie Trouble to all of second grade!
In Social Studies we have been focusing on map skills. We Have learned terms like compass rose, cardinal directions, intermediate directions, legend and map scale.
We have been working on projects all week for open house. We can’t wait to share them with you. Open House is March 3rd from 5:30-7:00. Please come any time between those times. Your children have worked so hard and would love to share their accomplishments with you.
Spring Picture Day is on Friday, March 4th. We will take class pictures and individual pictures. If you would like to buy a class picture please send in $12.00. The flyer and envelope came home last week.