About Me

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Carrollton, Texas, United States
Welcome to my blog! My name is Beth Carpenter! I am a 2nd grade teacher at Coyote Ridge Elementary. I majored in Early Childhood Education and have taught for 25 years. I have taught grades K- 3 which gives me a unique ability to know where my second graders fit within those grades. Teaching is more than a profession to me, it is a calling. I love to help light the fire of curiosity to help all my students become lifelong learners!


Morning Meeting 7:45-8:00 8:00-9:30 Math Brain Break 9:30-9:40 Guided Reading 9:40-10:35 Fine Arts 10:35-11:25 Lunch 11:30-12:00 Writer's Workshop 12:00- 1:00 Recess 1:00-1:30 Reading/Social Studies 1:30-2:00 Science 2:00-2:50 Pack/Stack/Dismiss 2:50-3:00

Friday, September 24, 2021

Week 8

 Dear Parents,

             Your children are beginning to be more independent as learners, know what to be working on during guided reading independently while I meet with reading groups, and learning what quality second grade work needs to be to be turned in. This is all a process, but this group is really making progress. We even got a complement from Mrs. Martinez, our LEAP teacher who visits our room! 

              In math we began a unit on solving two digit addition problems with and without regrouping. We modeled the problems with base ten blocks and then solved them in out vertical boxes. We ALWAYS start adding or subtracting in the ones! We ended our week by taking our assessment. ðŸ˜Š

               In writing we began a class narrative about the first day of school. We started it off by doing a prewriting activity where we drew the beginning, middle and end of our day. We then talked about our pictures. We drafted a beginning, middle and end. Next we will publish our class paper. I can’t wait until next week when we each pick our own topic and take our narrative through the writing process.

               In reading we read the story The Big Red Lollipop. We learned about a character’s point of view, the difference between first person and third person point of views. We took a comprehension check on this story as well. In social studies we continued our research on American Symbols during guided reading as independent work.

                In science we finished our unit about the properties of matter and began our next unit where we will change the properties of matter. Ask your child what happened to the marshmallow and soap when we added heat with a microwave. Science can be so much fun!

                I was honored today by Scheels as their first LISD Teacher of the Month. The news will be tweeted out next Tuesday. They brought a gift for me and a water bottle for each of my students. This water bottle went home today in your child’s backpack. They also gave them a special sticker. I am very grateful for Scheels choosing me and for giving my class their very own Scheels water bottle!

               Important papers went home today in your child’s Coyote Folder: an istation report for Sept., Their 6 weeks progress report and a letter explaining your child’s istation score ( if he/she is being monitored or progressing as expected). Please look for this information and let me know if you have any questions.

                Our Pumpkin Project did not make it into our Friday Folder today. My apologies. I will send it home on Monday. If you would like next weekend to complete it, ours can be due on Monday the 4th instead of Friday the first.



*Coach Ray asks that parents please send students in tennis shoes on PE days and shorts under skirts/dresses.

PE Website Here you can see our specials rotation schedule.


Hello CRE families:


We had a successful Book Fair this week!  Thank you for all of your support!  I especially wanted to thank all of the families that donated books to our wonderful teachers!  Your gift is truly appreciated!  If your child did not find a book during the book fair you can still shop online!  Our store will remain open until tomorrow at midnight.  Here is the link to find it:  https://bit.ly/CREbookfair

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Week 7

 Dear Parents, 

         What a challenging week we had in math as we dove into addition using mental math. We found many ways to find the answers to two digit addition problems with and without regrouping. We used place value blocks and ten frames to make a ten. We found different ways to add the sums in our heads. We even got a sneak preview of adding numbers up and down in boxes. Lots of higher level thinking occurred as the children decomposed numbers to add them together.

           In writing it was speed week. We finished taking our narratives about fall through the writing process. We had fun finding ways to make our papers better. We added words, crossed out words, and changed words to synonyms that sounded better. We found it hard to write on the lined paper, but with practice we will soon be forming our letters correctly.

            In social studies we learned about the American flag and answered questions about it. We then learned that there are rules about how we treat the American flag. We began learning about American Symbols and chose four symbols to research.

            In science we finished up observing matter by sorting items by their physical properties and had a scavenger hunt to find objects in our room that had certain physical properties. We used Draw and Tell on our ipads to show that we can describe an object using its physical properties.

            It was a great Week!



*Coach Ray asks that parents please send students in tennis shoes on PE days and shorts under skirts/dresses.

PE Website Here you can see our specials rotation schedule.


*Your child came home with a sticker on Wednesday night with a QR Code that would take you to the 21 Day Challenge sign up page. This link will also get you there. You have until next Wed. to sign your child up to win lots of free meals from area restaurants.    21 Day Challenge Information





September 20th-24th


Dear CRE families,


I am so excited to announce the arrival of the Fall book fair next week!  This is a great event that brings books kids want to read into our community.  There will be a wonderful selection of interesting and affordable books for every reading level.  Please be aware of the book fair schedule below:


Book Fair dates:  September 20-24

Shopping hours:  8:30-2:30


Your child was given a flyer with the selection of books available and prices.  Please be aware that tax is not included so the price will be a little higher than what is on the flyer.  Please use the chart below to get an idea of how much money your children will need.


Book price

Price with tax

Book price

Price with tax

Book price

Price with tax






































I highly encourage that you look into creating an eWallet for your child to use during the fair.  The eWallet can be set up online.  There is more information on a small flyer that went home with your child along with the book fair selection flyer.  


Also, be on the lookout in the principal’s email on Sunday for a way to support our amazing teachers with a link to view their wish list!  Thank you for all your support!


Mrs. Hernandez, 

CRE Librarian


Friday, September 10, 2021

Week 6

  Dear Parents,

        I hope you all had a great weekend with your family and friends. I sure did! It made for a very quick week this week. We have begun adding two and three numbers. We are learning to make a ten to make adding easier. We had lots of fun using counters and ten frames to do addition. 

        In writing we learned about using more tools to help us write like a word wall or a dictionary. We even had a quick lesson about how to put our spelling words in ABC order. This helped us understand how to find words in a dictionary. We began Speed week where we will go through the writing process in five short lesson. We began with prewriting. We will be writing a narrative of what we do in the fall.

         In reading this week our focus was on Central idea. We read The Dogs of Bedlam Farm. We discussed the topic, found details and came up with the central idea together. Later in the week we had a chance to read a short passage and show how we could find the topic, the details and the central idea.

         In social studies we learned about Patriots Day and wrote a poem about peace. 

          In science our focus has been on reading about, writing about, and sorting properties of matter. Observing objects and deciding how we could sort them led to very interesting conversations! We have some budding scientists in the room!



Coach Ray asks that parents please send students in tennis shoes on PE days and shorts under skirts/dresses.

PE Website Here you can see our specials rotation schedule.




*This was sent to me from our school librarian, Mrs. Hernandez: I have only had 9 children fill out this form. If you have not, please do as soon as you can. 


  1. Hello CRE families!  This is Mrs. Hernandez, your school librarian and I wanted to remind you all to please submit the form below.  The form is a Library Book Borrowing Contract that will help the students learn good habits of library books users.  If you have already filled out this form, I thank you and please disregard this message.  




Please reach out to me if you have any questions!


  1. *Hello CRE families!  I am excited to announce that we are having a Fall Book Fair in a few weeks!  That’s right, on September 20th the library will be transformed into a magical wonder Book Fair Land!  The book fair will run from September 20-24, but there will also be an optional to shop online until October 2nd!  I will be sharing more information next week about setting up an eWallet for your sweeties!  Have a great weekend!


Mrs. Hernandez

School Librarian



*Snacks- Please remember to send a snack every day for your child. We have donated snacks in the room if your child does forget, but this should not be every day. Thank you to Lori, Anu and Tasha for sending in more snacks. The students and I greatly appreciate your kindness.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Week 5

 Dear Parents,

       I Know I’m bragging on your children, but I just can’t help it! They are already acting like they’ve been in second  grade for several months. They have the routines down! It has only been a month. Thank you in supporting them by helping them to remember to turn in reading logs in Fridays. It would be helpful if I was sent back the Friday folders by Thursdays so that I can fill them and have them ready to go home on Fridays.

       This week in math we took our first assessment. They really tried their best! At the beginning of the year we go over all directions carefully so that I am sure they know what to do for each question. As the year progresses they will become more independent and take the test entirely independently. It is a slow release to responsibility. We were tested over time to the hour, recognizing the coins, counting small groups of coins, ordering numbers, comparing numbers and showing two digit numbers in many ways. This was a lot to learn in just 3 1/2 weeks! 

         In writing we are finishing up our stories in which we used tips and tricks from real authors as mentors. Next week we will take a piece of writing through the writing process in what we call “speed week”.

           In reading we focused on the story The Great Fuzz Frenzy. We made connections as we read. We also looked at the pictures to help explain the story which helped our understanding of the story. We took our comprehension test on Thursday. E had to go back to pages in the text to answer certain questions.

            We are starting our focus in The Leader In Me Program on Habit 1- Be Proactive. Thank you all for participating in kindness week! 

            In science we began a new unit on Matter. We are observing the physical properties of matter and sorting matter into groups.


 I hope all of you enjoy the three day weekend with your families!




Coach Ray asks that parents please send students in tennis shoes on PE days and shorts under skirts/dresses.

PE Website Here you can see our specials rotation schedule.




*This was sent to me from our school librarian, Mrs. Hernandez: I have only had 8 children fill out this form. If you have not, please do as soon as you can. 


Hello CRE families!  This is Mrs. Hernandez, your school librarian and I wanted to remind you all to please submit the form below.  The form is a Library Book Borrowing Contract that will help the students learn good habits of library books users.  If you have already filled out this form, I thank you and please disregard this message.  Have a great weekend!




Please reach out to me if you have any questions!


*Snacks- Please remember to send a snack every day for your child. We have donated snacks in the room if your child does forget, but this should not be every day. I bought the first tub of snacks and Journee’s mother already donated the second tub of snacks. Goldfish is best because we do have allergies in our room. The second tub of snacks is quickly being depleted. Would anyone like to donate more goldfish?