Dear Parents,
I Know I’m bragging on your children, but I just can’t help it! They are already acting like they’ve been in second grade for several months. They have the routines down! It has only been a month. Thank you in supporting them by helping them to remember to turn in reading logs in Fridays. It would be helpful if I was sent back the Friday folders by Thursdays so that I can fill them and have them ready to go home on Fridays.
This week in math we took our first assessment. They really tried their best! At the beginning of the year we go over all directions carefully so that I am sure they know what to do for each question. As the year progresses they will become more independent and take the test entirely independently. It is a slow release to responsibility. We were tested over time to the hour, recognizing the coins, counting small groups of coins, ordering numbers, comparing numbers and showing two digit numbers in many ways. This was a lot to learn in just 3 1/2 weeks!
In writing we are finishing up our stories in which we used tips and tricks from real authors as mentors. Next week we will take a piece of writing through the writing process in what we call “speed week”.
In reading we focused on the story The Great Fuzz Frenzy. We made connections as we read. We also looked at the pictures to help explain the story which helped our understanding of the story. We took our comprehension test on Thursday. E had to go back to pages in the text to answer certain questions.
We are starting our focus in The Leader In Me Program on Habit 1- Be Proactive. Thank you all for participating in kindness week!
In science we began a new unit on Matter. We are observing the physical properties of matter and sorting matter into groups.
I hope all of you enjoy the three day weekend with your families!
Coach Ray asks that parents please send students in tennis shoes on PE days and shorts under skirts/dresses.
PE Website Here you can see our specials rotation schedule.
*This was sent to me from our school librarian, Mrs. Hernandez: I have only had 8 children fill out this form. If you have not, please do as soon as you can.
Hello CRE families! This is Mrs. Hernandez, your school librarian and I wanted to remind you all to please submit the form below. The form is a Library Book Borrowing Contract that will help the students learn good habits of library books users. If you have already filled out this form, I thank you and please disregard this message. Have a great weekend!
Please reach out to me if you have any questions!
*Snacks- Please remember to send a snack every day for your child. We have donated snacks in the room if your child does forget, but this should not be every day. I bought the first tub of snacks and Journee’s mother already donated the second tub of snacks. Goldfish is best because we do have allergies in our room. The second tub of snacks is quickly being depleted. Would anyone like to donate more goldfish?
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