Dear Parents,
This week in math we dove into problem solving. Examples of them will come home in your child’s coyote folder today. These are the main types of problems they are expected to read and understand whether it is an addition problem or a subtraction problem. Practicing these at home by giving your child problems that are similar to these and having them decide whether to add or subtract is helpful. The steps are to write the beginning, middle and end, the number sentence, then the part/part/whole box . They use the part/part/whole box to decide what is the best way to solve the problem. We are becoming experts on doing the problems, but could use reinforcement on deciding how to solve them. We will be working on a problem a day for the rest of the year, but this focus for the week is now complete.
In writing we are finishing up revising our personal narratives and publishing them. Some are in the process of choosing characters, setting and an event to begin an imaginative story next week.
In reading we have been focusing on the types of folktales and filling out graphic organizers as we read them. We are looking for the characters, setting, problem and solution as well as if there is any magic in the story. We are learning on how to identify the folktale as a fairytales, fables, legends, pourquois, myths, or tall tales. We also read a Scholastic News about bats and answered comprehension questions.
In science we continued changing and combining matter. We finished up testing our boats to see how many pennies they could hold. We built a bridge together deciding how to combine the matter to make a strong bridge that would hold together. We observed a gobstopper in water and recorded how it changed over time. Next week we will be taking our performance task to see if we can decide what materials to use to create a birdhouse.
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