About Me

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Carrollton, Texas, United States
Welcome to my blog! My name is Beth Carpenter! I am a 2nd grade teacher at Coyote Ridge Elementary. I majored in Early Childhood Education and have taught for 25 years. I have taught grades K- 3 which gives me a unique ability to know where my second graders fit within those grades. Teaching is more than a profession to me, it is a calling. I love to help light the fire of curiosity to help all my students become lifelong learners!


Morning Meeting 7:45-8:00 8:00-9:30 Math Brain Break 9:30-9:40 Guided Reading 9:40-10:35 Fine Arts 10:35-11:25 Lunch 11:30-12:00 Writer's Workshop 12:00- 1:00 Recess 1:00-1:30 Reading/Social Studies 1:30-2:00 Science 2:00-2:50 Pack/Stack/Dismiss 2:50-3:00

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Week 12

 Dear Parents,

   This week in math we learned time to the minute. We also looked at shapes and how many square units make up their area. This was a quick introduction to time, but I will continue to reinforce this skill every Tuesday for time Tuesday. Please help at home by asking the time whenever appropriate.  That way they can see the real world application of this skill.

     In writing we finished up our narratives and began imaginative writing. We picked our character, setting and event, then wrote a beginning, middle and end using a flow map and a graphic organizer.

      In reading we continued reading many different kinds of folktales and filled out graphic organizers, this time for a grade. We are getting really good at listening for the sequence of events, the characters, their problems and solutions.

       In science we continued writing about combining matter with specific properties for a purpose. They completed a performance task about building a birdhouse and used their ipads to show and tell what they used to build their birdhouse and what properties made that a good material for that specific purpose.


*Our annual food drive is coming up next week on October 25- 29. See attached flyer. We will be collecting food donations the entire week. The grade level with the highest donations will receive a reward! Some items we are collecting, but not limited to are:                                 

• canned evaporated milk (16 oz.); 

• canned fruit (16 oz.);

•instant potatoes, boxed;

• canned pie filling;                                               

• canned yams (16 oz.);

• boxed stuffing;

• canned chicken broth;

• canned cranberry sauce;

• baking mixes (cakes, cookies, etc.).


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