Dear Parents,
I am sad to inform you that my father has passed away. I flew home to Ohio to help care for my mother and settle things for both my parents. I will be gone all next week as well. Know that I have taken care of my classroom before leaving. I have called a retired second grade teacher, Mrs. Stevens, who is now subbing taking my place while I am gone. She is an excellent teacher and was a teacher of the year while at CRE. Your children are in excellent care.
This week in math we focused on different types of word problems. We represented them in number sentences, part/part/whole boxes as well as number lines. The children worked in partners to solve them after representing them.
In Language, we learned about pronouns taking the place of nouns. We also began a writing unit on researching to write a biography. We began learning about Ben Franklin and soon we will transition to Helen Keller. We will learn to put the information in a time-line order and turn dry facts into interesting sentences.
In reading we learned about inferring as we read a story and continued on with our map skills focusing on The symbols on a map key.
In science we continued learning about objects in the sky- the sun and the moon. We are continuing to fill in our moon phase chart each day.
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