Dear Parents,
It is so hard to believe that the third six weeks is over! We are beginning our 4th nine weeks period on Monday, April 4th. We have begun fractions in math and so far it seems that everyone understands the concept. They can all use a little practice writing out a story problem where the answer is a fraction.
In science we are learning about what causes us to see the phases of the moon. It would be a great idea to point out the moon in the sky each time you see it. A first hand viewing is always better than drawings.
They enjoyed our reading selection, Luke Goes to Bat. The message was to never give up. We practiced sequencing, writing beginning, middle , end and wrote creatively with this story as our inspiration. Everyone did well on both parts of the assessment yesterday.
In language we are working on Possessive nouns and contractions. I graded the language homework which showed me that possessive nouns will need to be retaught. It is a difficult concept, but we will keep practicing!
In Social Studies we began a unit about our government. We are learning all about our local, state and U.S. Governments as well as our leaders!
*Field Day is coming up this next month and I have told your child what color T- shirt he/she should wear on that day. The colors are: yellow, red, blue, or green
*I sent home the 2016-2017 Student Enrollment Form in your child’s coyote folder. Please fill it out as soon as possible and return it to school.
* Important Parent Information Below :
Coyote Ridge Elementary
Spring School Pictures
If you have already ordered your portraits, thank you!
If you are still waiting for your spring portraits they will be arriving soon.
When you get your spring portraits, please select your favorites and order online!
- Go to
- Log in with your Portrait ID and Access Code, located on your portrait package insert.
- Select which sheets you want to purchase and pay online.
- Please return unpurchased portraits to your school.