Dear Parents,
Thank you so much for all you did to make this a special week for your children! From getting them ready for each of Go Red Week, to helping them dress like a story book character and completing the pumpkin projects! Everyone got their pumpkin in on time and all presented. I’m holding on to them a bit longer for grading purposes and to display their hard work!
In math we were assessed on our problem solving skills and we began a new chapter on numbers with three place values. We are practicing writing those numbers in standard form, expanded form, word form and drawing models. Thank you for keeping up with your children’s math and reading logs. New math flash cards went home tonight for next week’s quiz!
In reading and writing we focused on the holiday themed books and created writing projects with each. We were also assessed on our knowledge and ability to write four kinds of sentences. We learned the life cycle of a pumpkin, measured pumpkins , weighed pumpkins, ate pumpkin pie, imagined what monster could live under my bed (to go along with the book :), told when we were Crankenstein, and wrote the beginning, middle and end of Spookly the Square Pumpkin! A lot of learning and fun was had by all!
Enjoy your weekend together!
* Grades are ready on skyward. If you requested a paper copy, please sign and return the envelope.
*One of our class actually got to meet his book character!Check out the picture attached of Mrs. Cervantes and Braxton!
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