Dear Parents,
We had another wonderful week of learning! In math we have been working with a math tool called a part-part-whole box to practice number families, solve addition stories, solve subtraction stories, and to decide if a word problem is addition or subtraction.
In writing we wrote fall stories using sensory words to describe things we see, hear, smell, touch, and taste in the fall. We met with friends to revise and edited with the teacher. We then published our stories which now are hanging in the hallway on display. We wrote two short poems this week. One in honor of American Indian Heritage Day, and another about spiders.
Since our reading story was The Diary of a Spider we practiced our spelling words by having a spider race! We got spider rings and had a spider snack as well!
In social studies we’ve been studying communities and are going to be picking our favorite community to build. Please start saving empty cereal boxes, small cartons or anything you can think of to help your child build a model of a community at school on a foam board. These three-D projects will be made by groups. They will pick from urban, rural, or suburban communities to build as a group.
Our leader of the week habit was sharpen the saw. This four day weekend will help our students do just that! They will eat well, rest, play, and spend quality time with your family!This will recharge them so that they can come back ready to learn some more next Tuesday!
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